Irish Times: "Banning of bedsits set in train housing disaster"

The market will correct itself eventually. Money printing has broken the link between labour (wealth creation) and capital values. That can't last forever. If money printing is rocket fuel then the relationship between real wealth creation and long term capital values is gravity.
Looking at this and other threads recently on AAM I get the feeling there is no hope whatsoever on the housing front for the next generation and many in the current generation.
It will end whenever there is willpower to end it. First, both society and the political class that represent it have to get over their collective loathing of residential property developers and builders.
The market will not correct itself no more than my house will hoover itself. People must act on the matter. What people? When? How? Where?
I reckon it is not a case of are the trailer parks coming; now it's when.
The market will not correct itself no more than my house will hoover itself. People must act on the matter. What people? When? How? Where?
I reckon it is not a case of are the trailer parks coming; now it's when.
Booms and busts. That's the market correcting itself.
. . . . and our kids/grandchildren can watch it from their trailers.
Will they be looking across at empty houses and apartments?
If an entire generation can't afford it... something would have to give.
The market will not correct itself no more than my house will hoover itself. People must act on the matter. What people? When? How? Where?
I reckon it is not a case of are the trailer parks coming; now it's when.
the market will correct itself if its allowed to. All markets are living organisms that evolve in line with changing environments. They don't when their environment is altered by outside forces.
the market will correct itself if its allowed to. All markets are living organisms that evolve in line with changing environments. They don't when their environment is altered by outside forces.
. . . . and will this happen sometime soon? Time is running out fast.
. . . . and will this happen sometime soon? Time is running out fast.
Remove rpz, speed up evictions and remove govt supports and the market will adjust.

Question that must be answered "is there political will" to do this?

The property sector would be in a more realistic position in 3 yrs or so. Not everyone would be happy but it would be fairer to the majority involved.
The political will is heavily invested in getting re-elected. Unfortunately the dominating public voices are calling for more of all the things you rightly suggest need to be reversed.
Looking at this in a wider context there is growing anger amongst the squeezed middle which has come to the fore as a result of the govt €200 esb credit etc.

We can't just keep giving all the time. There are stories in the media where a dual income family needs to go to food banks.

I suspect social welfare cuts are coming. Middle income have no more to give, Social housing, housing supports are going to change. If the State expect the private sector landlord to foot the bill they are in for a shock.

Even Threshold acknowledge this fact which I am totally shocked they are openly admitting this in public.
I'm always sceptical about those stories, we have one of the most generous welfare systems in the world and income inequality has reduced considerably in this country in recent decades.
If they do actually need to go to a food bank it's because of high housing costs, not taxes. If not that then they need to talk to their bank about restructuring their mortgage. If not that then they are just rubbish at general life stuff and need a grown-up to show them how to budget.
I suspect social welfare cuts are coming. Middle income have no more to give, Social housing, housing supports are going to change. If the State expect the private sector landlord to foot the bill they are in for a shock.
Most middle income households are net recipients from the State. They have a net gain when the taxes they pay are deducted from the services they receive.
With the Child Killers not the biggest Party in the State there's no chance of a welfare cut. The Pensioners will get their pound of flesh in the next budget.
Even Threshold acknowledge this fact which I am totally shocked they are openly admitting this in public.
Threshold are a bunch of ideologically driven muppets. They are part of the problem, not the solution.
. . . . and will this happen sometime soon? Time is running out fast.
It would have happened already if we hadn't kept inflating it with made-up money. That same money that resurrected all the pension funds and doubled the price of houses.
It would have happened already if . . .
"if" being the important word . . . and as I pick out my horses before I visit the bookies later this morning I have more confidence on my Saturday Yankee showing a profit than I have in the "market correcting itself" ever, never mind in 3 years like suggested above.

In a short few years time we'll all be enduring the noise of sites being cleared for trailer parks. That's the only "certainty" running today, I regret to say.
I completely agree we do indeed have one of the most generous welfare system. "Generous" being the perfect word to describe our welfare system.

You are missing the point regarding middle income. During the pandemic income tax receipts did not fall. This suggests those who were not working as a result of the shut downs do not pay or pay little income tax. Ie they are not contributing income tax.

This suggests middle income are not net receiptents when they have taxes removed as those who were not working during the pandemic availed of the same services as those who were not paying income tax.

No matter what you think the squeezed middle are not net receiptents (or at a min others are gaining more than the squeezed middle). If what you suggest where true then our income revenue should have fallen and it didn't.

I still believe state benefits will be reduced. No party will risk this effecting the pensioner group. This group to their credit are the most vocal and willing to protest to protect themselves. But I believe all other receiptents will be impacted.
It's not my opinion. Taking each 10% of earners as a cohort only the top 30% of earners are net contributors and the 70-80% cohort only barely make the cut.

It costs €7k- €8k a year to send a child to school. Along with medical cards for children and children's allowance that means a family with 2 children is getting around €20k a year in social transfers for their children alone.
I still believe state benefits will be reduced. No party will risk this effecting the pensioner group. This group to their credit are the most vocal and willing to protest to protect themselves. But I believe all other receiptents will be impacted.
So the wealthiest cohort at the lowest risk of living in poverty will be protected but the poor and vulnerable will be hit. That because the wealthiest cohort are vocal and vote.