Irish Home Buyers Guide to Snagging

Overall I found the book OK, but felt there were a lot of gaps that I think would catch out people that did not know what they were doing.

For example it talks about adequate drainage in the garden, without actually defining what adequate is.

If you want to do your own snag list you would probably be better off using the far more detailed template from

Just to declare I work for I have no affiliations with either of those snagging templates mentioned and I would always recommend if you are un-sure about preparing snag list to use a professional, as a template cannot allow for every eventuality.

Fintan [/FONT]
Absolutely a waste of money.. very little in it, just about scrapping the surface of snagging...
Written in such a way that noboby can thoroughly do their snagging unless there are qualified/competent, hence do not need the book.
The snagging template at the back of the book is a joke.
Builders are going to have a good laught when people turn up with their snagging coming out this book.

I think Fintan is been very kind in his appraisal, which is fair enough considering his vested interest in snagging. I would have done the same.
It is certainly a business-saver for him that the book is bad anyway.

Note: i have no vested interest in snagging business, nor in the building industry in general. Simply a personal interest in home building and regulations due to self-builts over the past 20-years.