Irish drink on average 150 bottles of wine a year?

What station/programme? What exactly did they say? Maybe there's a podcast so we can check?
There used to be an article in The Far East magazine (which was widely circulated when I was a nipper) called My Diry by Pudsy Ryan who used to have the same problem as qwerty when it came to spelling! But I should have remembered the particular magazine this appeared in would not have dirtied your kitchen table!!
Exactly - I found a HSE report for 1986-2006 which states that in 2006 TOTAL alcohol consumption (ie wine, beers and spirits) per adult per annum was 13.4 litres.

I think this means 13.4 litres of pure alcohol e.g. the average wine is 13% volume so 750ml x .13% = 97.5ml alcohol. 13.4 litres / 97.5ml = 137 bottles of wine which fits well with the 150 bottles argument?
If the report related to the average wine drinker, then the figure could easily be correct.

I hate to shock people, but I have been known to drink on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, as well as Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. I can pretty much say I haven't done all days in a particular week though.

I don't reserve my consumption for perceived peak days like the weekend - why should I ? When I'm at home with Mrs Zag and there's a good film on we would regularly go through a bottle watching the film. If it's a Monday I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I might even get more sleep. We could easily get through 3 or 4 bottles betwen us this way. Then when you add in events like weddings, funerals, Christmas, parties, etc . . . where there might be more than usual consumed I can easily see how I might go through 150 bottles a year. Of course it could well be 100 for me, I haven't been counting, but I can see how it could be higher.


Zag - You don't shock no one but yourself. Alcohol affects every organ in the body if I were you I would be most concerned of the damage been done to my body. You'd really want to think about what you are doing.

I don't think we should be comparing ourselves to the drinking habits of other nations. For example, France has the highest rate of alcoholics with 5.7 alcoholics per one hundred adults. There is nothing healthy about those rates.
Or else not open the second bottle 'til you log out.
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That says...
Each year the average drinker consumes the equivalent of 600 pints of beer, or 150 bottles of wine or 50 bottles of spirits.
So if you factor in the non drinkers in the population then the average per capita consumption would necessarily be lower?
Zag - You don't shock no one but yourself. Alcohol affects every organ in the body
Yeah - but only Heineken refreshes the parts that other beers can't reach.
if I were you I would be most concerned of the damage been done to my body. You'd really want to think about what you are doing.
As far as I can see from his post he drinks relatively moderately but frequently and does not binge. This sounds reasonable/responsible to me. Regular moderate consumption of alcohol is generally considered beneficial for health as far as I know.
For example, France has the highest rate of alcoholics with 5.7 alcoholics per one hundred adults.

Highest rate of alcoholics where? In the EU? In the world? Do you have a source for this statistic?

Maybe it's accurate, maybe it isn't, but where does that leave the other two countries I mentioned?

They are only a few examples BTW: much of southern Europe has a culture of moderate daily alcohol consumption.

Regular moderate consumption of alcohol is generally considered beneficial for health as far as I know.

Yes, most health professionals are in agreement with this and what's more, they also tend to agree that regular moderate drinkers are actually statistically more healthy than teetotallers or occasional drinkers.
Highest rate of alcoholics where? In the EU? In the world? Do you have a source for this statistic?
I'd be very curious as to how "alcoholism" is defined and how its incidence is measured in this context.