Irish Daily Star and pictures of Kate

I agree and I am so disappointed that they are not leaving Catherine alone, even though William pleaded with the media when they got engaged. The two of them seem to be doing a wonderful job of giving a new, friendlier and more approachable image to the monarchy, why won't people just leave them alone? Life really can't be easy if you are being watched 24/7.

See (and I'm not having a go here) part of the problem is that you know all this about them and appear to be quite interested in them, like many thousands of others. If people weren't interested in stuff then the papers wouldn't bother with it.
That's all very informative, so you can't judge a book by its cover, but we can judge a man by his paper.
See (and I'm not having a go here) part of the problem is that you know all this about them and appear to be quite interested in them, like many thousands of others. If people weren't interested in stuff then the papers wouldn't bother with it.

They are public figures and I have no problem with them being reported on when they are doing their official duties. I am most certainly not interested in what they had for breakfast and what kind of bed linen they sleep in and that's why I think that they should be left alone when they are off duty.

Enda Kenny is in the public eye too and nobody seems to be interested in publishing a photo of him in his jocks even though we are all more or less interested in him in his official capacity.
Enda Kenny is in the public eye too and nobody seems to be interested in publishing a photo of him in his jocks even though we are all more or less interested in him in his official capacity.

Speak for yourself, Id love to see Enda in his jocks!

Because Ive got an Enda crush of course! I find it difficult to concentrate on the content of anything he says due to my fluttering heart at hearing his manly dulcet tones. I even get my husband to say things 'Enda Style' for a giggle. Its the whole sinister alpha male tone he uses. I often make up things that would sound funny 'Enda Style' - things like "Im going to break every bone in your body if you dont vote for me"
It's about recognising someone's right to privacy and to not be photographed topless in a private place without their consent.

I understand what you are saying but still do not get the whole knicker twisting that's going on,whether she likes it or not she made a Faustian pact when she decided to step into the limelight and became a Royal,in the real world you just cannot expect to turn media attention on and off to suit your purposes,it just doesn't work like that.

You are a sick puppy. Get help!!
...... she made a Faustian pact when she decided to step into the limelight and became a Royal,in the real world you just cannot expect to turn media attention on and off to suit your purposes,it just doesn't work like that.

Kate Middleton made no Faustian pact. Like everybody else she is entitled to privacy. She has a right to be respected, just like you and I.

Sorry to say this Knuttell, but just like you said of one of my posts yours is "codswallop" and of course like you, we are all entitled to our opinions.
Was that him in Easons the other day?

Actually hubby was in Easons recently but no idea what you referring to, he showed me the pictures on the web. Also yesterday he showed me the pictures of Kate to see what the fuss was about. OMG. Particularly the ones of her bum. I'd be mortified. Only good thing to notice was that they seemed a couple very much in love. After the wreck of a life he's had that looked like he had found stability and hapiness. They should be entitled to privacy when in a private domain and there is no public interest. I'm all for freedom of the press, but without a public interest, which there is none demonstrated by Closer, only a purient one then there is no justification for taking the pictures. Kate is entitled to take off her top when on holidays, in a private place where she had no reasonsable expectation of paparazzi whether she married into the royal family or not.

This story does though demonstrate a lack of security as does the Prince Harry pics in Las Vegas.
Just an observation. Isn't it a bit sad that we Irish people are so wrapped up in the antics of the British Royal family?

We have all the British High street stores, we watch British television. Are we all just west brits?

But that's the point. Kate Middleton doesn't go around courting the press the way Diana did. She is always quite happy to be photographed when she is performing her official duties but other than that she tries to keep as low a profile as possible for someone in her position.
The reason for all the 'knicker twisting' is because the public have seen what happens when photographers place no boundaries on how far they can intrude into the lives of royals or chase them around when they're trying to have a bit of privacy. It ended in real tragedy all those years ago in Paris and incidents like this one indicate that some members of the Press have still not learned their lesson.
Maybe Kate was a bit naive to think that the days of scumbag photographers with long lenses were over and I'm sure she won't make that mistake again. But it doesn't excuse the photographer's behaviour or make that kind of thing alright.
Just an observation. Isn't it a bit sad that we Irish people are so wrapped up in the antics of the British Royal family?

We have all the British High street stores, we watch British television. Are we all just west brits?

Surely we are all whatever we choose to be, thanks to those who died to obtain that freedom for us?

Cultures change over time, take a look at some of the countries in the middle east (and the terrorists they're exporting) to see what happens when culture can't / won't adapt in line with the rest of the world... would you rather we were still in a repressive 1950's church-run state?!

But I don't see that "we Irish" are wrapped up in the antics of the British monarchy - I don't pay them any heed generally; to me, and I would presume to many others too, the issue here is about the right to privacy of individuals who are public figures (whether or not I've any interest personally in them) and in this case it just happens she's a Royal.
Just an observation. Isn't it a bit sad that we Irish people are so wrapped up in the antics of the British Royal family?

We have all the British High street stores, we watch British television. Are we all just west brits?

People tend to talk about their neighbours. There are many influences on our lives, I'm starting to think that Hollister has taken over our schools.
This is the same British media that published photos of Nicholas sarkozy's wife naked, right?
The indignation is sickening; the uk tabloids are the trail blazers of scumbag journalism.
This is the same British media that published photos of Nicholas sarkozy's wife naked, right?
The indignation is sickening; the uk tabloids are the trail blazers of scumbag journalism.

The difference being IIRC that the photo in question was one taken while she was posing nude as a model, her profession at the time.