Ireland - Its sinking ..



Hi ..

I have been living in another EU country for 8 years and moved back to Ireland about one year ago.

Bloody hell this country is a mess. The roads are This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language, the health service is a disgrace, the culture has become greedy and my god the corruption! Between all the tribunals, that child porn judge getting "let off" (and now Sharon Shannon with a one day late summons!).

The drink culture, the house prices (and the lack of quality in the houses), the zero child care support, the zero paid paternity/maternity leave, the religious institutional abuse, the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, the lack of public transport, the traffic and reliance on cars, the road accidents, the on-going problems in Northern Ireland, the crime lords, the street violence, the apathy in society with their political leaders, the lack of community spirit and the cost of living.

I still havent covered the bitching that goes on at work, the bullying and racism...

Every country has its postive and negatives and for the life of me I cannot think of any postive points with Ireland. You hear people say "Ahhh 'tis a great place to bring up Kids".. errr... Why? The schools are falling to peaces our children are being taught how to forgo spritual values for materialistic values (communion money anyone?), our schools are still run in a Catholic manner where if you are a Muslim , Jew or God forgive us a Protestant you are treated as an outsider (because you are in fact an outsider in the Republic of Ireland unless you are a white Roman Catholic.)

Oh and not forgetting the title giving to this land.. Rip Off Ireland ..

Anyway I can hear the Irish patriots now saying .."Why don't you just leave then?" .. Well that will most likely happen .. which is a real shame ... It really is..

But still, isn't it amazing how we get acustomed to all this? I get more a more depressed listening to the news everyday, and sometimes think I'll stick my head in the sand and it'll go away. But it wont, I know it wont and as long as everyone looks after their own little lot, then sod everyone and everything else in the country. If I lived abroad for that length of time Elk I dont think I would have come back especially if I was happy there and settled.? We are currently working in Dub and are making plans to head to Munster to escape the rat race, but who knows for sure if that will pan out. All in all, your post has depressed me even more, and me on a half day today!!
Letting off steam ...

Well I felt like letting off Steam .. I lived in Sweden by the way ..

Anyway I didnt come here to "dis" the country. Im just finding it hard to take all this negative stuff. Of course the postive side is that we are closer to our families and in general people are easier to talk to. In the country people still seem laid back which is nice. There just seems to be some fundleMENTAL issues wrong here ..

Anyway to add some balane I'll paraphrase something from Mitch Albom's book "Tuesdays with Morrie"..

"There are postives and negatives with every culture/country. The important thing is to creat your own culture. Where you surround yourself with people who you love and who love you back"

I like that idea...

Re: Letting off steam ... mean where everyone kills themselves from depression?????????????????

I'm not dissing your views Elk, but I lived abroad for a time too. When you come home it's always the same. It takes time to readjust.
Of course, some people don't and head off again.

I don't rule out the idea that I'll live abroad again someday...but I hope it'll be a small island with lots of sun and 25 hot naked chicks looking after my every need
Re: Letting off steam ...

I thought Norway had the highest suicide rate piggy?
Re: Letting off steam ...

Could be worse Elk - You could have moved back & settled in either Dublin or Limerick - then You would really have something to complain about :lol
Re: Letting off steam ...

Is it Norway? I was nearly sure it was Sweden. Something to do with the long dark winters and the amount of vodka they drink.

Actually this list throws some light on that! Maybe the Sweden thing is a myth.
This country

People feel disenfranchised.There is no-one out there who seems willing and able to put themselves forward for election, who will tell the truth, take the bull by the horns and run against all the vested interests. Who can fix it, who will stand up for them? The capable will not put out themselves out there.

Most back benchers and TDs work for a) the good of their own backyard (see national lottery funding). b) the good for themselves and c) the good for whoever bank rolled them in the first place.

The vested interests, developers, unions whatever, do so much to stamp down anything that might progress the state that unless it is in some powerful corner interest, nothing will get done.

They are not happy with good profits, they want super profits.

Ordinary joes feel so powerless in the face of it all, they shut off and concentrate on their own corner, where they can make a difference in theirt own lives. What's the point, you can shout and moan, but nothing will be done.

People might think - vote for a differene - who is different - the Shinners? Once they get power, they also have cronies who'll want pay back.

What can be done, is there a holy grail, an honest person who would stand up and go for it? Set up a party of the decent and the good who will think for everyone?

Thats a myth about Sweden by the way .. Ireland is doing very well for itself in ever increasing suicide rates .. [broken link removed]

DIdnt you see Prime Time Investigates this week about the amount of people in Ireland taking anti-depressants..

Re: Suicide

According to the table on [broken link removed] page, Sweden ranks fifth in the world suicide rates. Ireland is 16th.

that was 10 years ago wasnt it?

Anyway I know Sweden is not perfect ... there is no denying the long dark winters are tough ...

Re: Suicide

I'm just trying to point out that it's easy to say Ireland is crap. We could probably sit here all day poking holes in Sweden though too.
Would be more difficult to do Piggy ..

Good health service, excellent health service, excellent quality of housing, 0% poverty, low crime (one of the lowest in the world), clean environment, excellent social policies (1 year paid maternity leave for mothers 30 days for fathers, at least 25 paid holidays per year), excellent public transport system, cost of living is actually lower there than in Ireland in 2004, cost of housing and value for money is better, exellent orangisation, excellent consumer protection laws ...
Re: Would be more difficult to do Piggy ..

I if it's such a wonderful place, why the sucide rate?

According to the "cleanest country" link Elk posted the UK is cleaner than Ireland.

That's quite an accomplishment on our part considering they have a population which is at least ten times larger than ours!

I have been living in Stockholm for the past 2 months and I have to say I have been comparing Ireland with Sweden and Sweden wins out almost every time. Its a super place to live. And yes piggy, I've seen loads of suicides since I arrived - I dont see how the suicide rate determines the quality of living for a country. I know its summer and the winters are supposed to be tough but its a small price to pay to avoid some of the BS at home. Those cold wet Irish winters are a joy alright !!
I lived in Vienna for over a year too. City of 1.5m - Dublin seems like a shanty town in comparison.
Re: Would be more difficult to do Piggy ...

long dark winters...
Re: Sweden

You can check out this [broken link removed] report too on suicide rates per country.

"I dont see how the suicide rate determines the quality of living for a country"
All I'm saying is if it's such a wonderful place why do so many people feel the need to top themselves?

I lived in Australia for a year. Everyone who went before said the same things. Oh it's wonderful. Sunshine all the time. It's much better than Ireland etc etc...
So, I went and lived there for a year. Guess what, it is a wonderful place. But it has downsides everywhere. In the end I missed a lot of things about Ireland. Would you believe that Irish women were one of those things!!! There must be something wrong with me

You might think Sweden is the bees-knees...but someone else wouldn't. You might think Ireland's crap...but most people don't. You should be able to recognise that.