Investment strategy for 20k lump sum



Hi all,

I have just over 20k to invest and after reading through some excellent posts on this forum I plan to do the following:

- Invest 10k in Quinn-Life fund as follows:

- 30% Euro
- 20% Japan
- 15% China
- 10% UK
- 10% Celtic
- 15% Others

I plan to invest for the long term and am willing to take medium to high risks with this fund. What do people think of the above fund? Should I increase/decrease some of the individual funds? By the way, I'm put off by RaboDirect because of the tax implications...

- Invest approx 10k in a First Active eSavings deposit. The 5.22% rate seems to be the best one out there at the moment for lump sum deposits.

- I may also make monthly contributions (approx €200/€300) to a regular savings account e.g. AIB Regular Savings a/c.

What do people think of the above strategy? Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
I am in a similar situation and the advice I received was to invest in the Currency Market, particularly US Dollars given the rate at present. Whatever way you go I hope it yields a nice profit.

Why have you ignored property in your asset allocation?

Hi F. Kruger,

I have a property and am currently reasonably comfortable with my monthly repayments. I don't intend investing in the market again in the short to medium term.

Any particular reason why you are shunning the US? You seem to be aiming for a relatively well (geographically) diversified portfolio so it would seem logical to me to have at least some exposure to the worlds largest equity markets…
>>"By the way, I'm put off by RaboDirect because of the tax implications..."

I have a small investment with Rabo - what are the tax implications??
Discussed at length elsewhere - basically they don't calculate/deduct tax on exit as most other funds providers do and you are on your own in this regard and have to do CGT calculations/returns yourself. I think that they are planning to do something about this sooner or later.