Investing property. North or South Ireland ?



Can anyone advise as I have little understanding in this field and I would appreciate your help and knowledge?

I have the luxury of living at home and am trying to invest in property so as to get my foot on the property ladder. My consideration is getting a mortgage and purchasing property, however I have been advised that I could keep my FTB until I am in a better position, should I purchase in Belfast!!! The suggestion was that the market growth in the North is a good investment and complimentment with maintaining my FTB then its a great way of me getting onto the property ladder. Its hard to decide and I would really appreciate a few other opinions on this matter so.
Thank you - a frustrated non property holder.
Re: Investing property. North or South Ireland ????

If you own property anywhere in the world you lose your FTB status in Ireland. Therefore buying an investment property in Belfast would lose you your FTB status for any subsequent purchases in Ireland.
Re: Investing property. North or South Ireland ????

Thanx alot Sherman (cool name). Is there a way that I can get around this. What I put the investment property in my mums name or something?
This is so hard to get off the ground everywhere I turn I get knocked down.