Investing Online



Ive never invested in the stock market before and I am interested in investing online in my spare time.Can I set up my own personel portfolio and is it expensive to run?Where do I start? I have a degree in business but I have never put my teachings to the test. I have no loans outstanding and I would like to do something with my extra couple of hundred I am left with at the end of the month.

Firsly if you are looking for a broker the threads of interest might be

By and large there are plenty of people who will be only too happy for you to join as a customer and they'll execute your trades and allow you to manage your portfolio, for a fee. The above threads take you through who's who and what the cost.

More importantly though is to educate yourself. Business degree is a bit too broad. You should really zero in a bit more and the following thread lists some excellent books that you should have a look at.

After that, it's up to you to keep abreast of things and apply the knowledge.

Good luck.