Invalidity Pension claim

Daddy Ireland

Registered User
A person is currently on illness benefit since September 2017 so technically long enough on illness benefit (over 12 months) to now apply for Invalidity Pension. Person is going back to work for 2 days a week from December to see how things go. Should it be too much for this person and decision is made to give up working during 2019 where would individual stand on applying for invalidity pension ? Does a further 12 months on illness benefit need to he served before applying for invalidity pension ? Also, employment pay ran out mid October and as individual will have less than 48 contributions this year how does this impact the Invalidity Pension claim.
Hi my name is Declan, I have suffered from epilepsy i am on medication which is normal and also I had brain surgery in Beaumont in 2011.I was farming on my home Farm before I was diagnosed but the farm is leased now obviously I cannot drive now and have no medical card .I applied for invalidity pension in May 2017 they received my application and it was being processed all my application was correct social welfare credits,application form and strong doctors report.The Department have failed me to a review on grounds of medical report.I have submitted a stronger medical records through my neurology team in Galway and my doctors. The social welfare say pre application I could not work but honestly I cannot work again as I am a danger to myself on a farm and will never drive again the review has been with the department 2 to 3 weeks and I keep in touch with them once a week and they have no answer for me ,i ask how long have or possibly will I be waiting or will on political means to help me to go in appealing my case yours sincerely Declan
To whom it concerns my name is Declan i just need to clarify some things I posted i am suffering from epilepsy my application for invalidity pension was this year may 2018 as with surgery my short term memory is poor,are invalidity pension cases hard to resolve for any person who can genuinely not work for a long term illness I am honest in my illness and can the government actually take a person who has a long term illness into my application what is the waiting times for review and appeal of invalidity pension yours sincerely Declan
Hi Declan

I don’t have any experience of invalidity pension However I would advise you to either contact your local political office, carers association or wheelchairs association... any of these offices will have a contact in the department to get things moving along.

It is sad to say this is one of the only ways to get things to move faster. I had a similar issue with a different type of claim and within a day of the association making contact I had a response..
Thank you for your advice and best wishes and a merry Christmas and a prosperous New year to all thank you Mary for your reply