Interview for carers allownace?

Just wondering has anybody got experience of switching from Carers Benefit over to Carers Allowance. I was made redundant and went straight onto CB as Social Welfare said I wasn't available for work as I was taking care of my wife (who is on Invalidity Pension and was awaiting surgery). The CB will run out shortly and my wife is facing more surgery which means I'll be still a Carer when it runs out. Is the switchover automatic or will I have to apply for CA and face the waits already mentioned on this post?
The switch over is not automatic and you have to apply .I changed from benefit to allowance and it took 24 weeks so be prepared for this length of a wait .It is means tested unlike benefit . Its a disgrace the waiting times for carers in this country
Thanks Mojo. Should I apply well in advance i.e. before the Benefit runs out? I don't want to be personal but what do you live on during the 24 weeks?
Thanks Mojo. Should I apply well in advance i.e. before the Benefit runs out? I don't want to be personal but what do you live on during the 24 weeks?

In my case, very little! Have gone into huge arrears on rent, loans, etc since last January when I had to cut back my hours in work due to being a carer. For the most part, it's a case of robbing peter to pay paul or just not getting things paid at all.

My application was logged on the 4th of May. I haven't heard a thing yet. I've been ringing every couple of weeks to track the progress on the applications, last time I rang they were still dealing with the end of March. I was told it could be at least another couple of months, if not well into the new year before my claim is dealt with.

This is a disgrace imo, that will mean a whole year since I became a carer and have literally been living on next to nothing with no end in sight as yet according to carers section!
Apply at least 25 weeks before carers benefit ends . I didnt have this option as i was waiting on a seperation agreement . I work 15 hours a week so was living off that but it wasnt enough to cover incomings and outgoings i also had some msintenance which covered some mortage . I lived off my credit card which was clear luckily so had that option to top up . I did get arrears and paid off the credit card . It was a very stressful time and i was dreading the winter if i did not get sorted as had no idea how i would get oil . Thanking it was sorted start od october
It took 28 weeks for the carers allowance to come through for us! And still waiting on back money!! Not expecting that until the new year...the wait is a killer. Good luck with it!
hey craff... cant send u a message anyway did ya get sorted..the letter i was waiting on the wait is finally over
Glad Craff and yourself Charlieboxx finally got sorted, anybody else I hope it comes through soon.

Last Thursday I received a single envelope from the SW (thinking it was notification finally!) When I opened it up I see that it was merely a 'free travel pass'.

No official letter or payment yet, but judging by the travel pass I can assume the allowance has been awarded, and assumed the letters crossed in the post and I'd receive the official letter in a day or so. That was wishful thinking, nothing since last week...and I still don't know where I stand. How incompetent are these people, 'extras' should never be sent out until the official letter has been received, I guess I have to ring them again now to chase it up.

Anyway thanks all for keeping us updated. I'm on week 26 now.
The reason that the free travel pass issued first is that it's issued from a different section who wouldn't be aware that you haven't received the Carer's documentation yet.
The reason that the free travel pass issued first is that it's issued from a different section who wouldn't be aware that you haven't received the Carer's documentation yet.

Thanks for the clarification gipimann, wasn't sure but assumed that could be the cause. Still crazy that it can happen though. At least I know the main details will be sent out soon, but then again I'm still in the dark as to exactly what I've been awarded.