Internet banner ad investments



Hi guys,

First time post so be gentle lol. Signed up to this just to gauge opinion. Ive invested a sum of money in a site that sells ad banners on the web for you. They double your investment as a complimentary scheme and then after that your profits depend on sales. Sales can be generated by referals (which i know sounds fishy) or by reinvesting your profits back in to buy more ad banners. Firstly id like to hear from anyone that has/had experience in this kind of scheme and secondly gauge opinion to see if it is sustainable. Thanks for reading,

Just to be clear - you are already "invested" in this but are only now researching its viability?
Why does Pyramid selling come into my mind. Sounds so like other schemes that work like that but just with another another Name. I hope I'm wrong.
no ive done some research and basically had a sum of money i could risk without having any catastrophic consequences and just decided to go for it. I was pointed in this sites direction afterwards and just wanted to hear some some views from people who may have done something similar or know about the subject.
yes hans i thought of that straight away and if you want to go down that route of "referals" etc it could turn out just like that but im looking at reinvesting any profit and hoping to buy more ads to sell and to keep the cycle going that way. Thats why im asking here if its sustainable doing it my way...
Does a Google search for the business name and the word "scam" throw up any interesting links/info?
nope nothing at all clubman, in fact the opposite,checked some forums etc and all checks out,thats why i just said id give it a go and see if there are returns
i dont mind giving something a go as im a bit of a gambler anyway but i just wanted to know if anyone here has experience in this kind of investment
Amazingly,there is a website with almost the exact same name as the OP.It screams pyramid scheme! Brings me back to the water filter days!
Amazingly,there is a website with almost the exact same name as the OP.It screams pyramid scheme! Brings me back to the water filter days!
Yeah - and a search for that slightly different name and the word "scam" does throw up quite a few links.
lol yes it is the same name, and your point being??? im asking has anyone experience in this type of thing and is it sustainable, your post, vandriver, insinuates something else maybe?? lol clubman any links would be helpful,thanks ;-)
when i mean sustainable i mean sustainable as putting any profits from my own initial investment back in or is it just wishful thinking?
I think you will find if it is a scam you wont find any other business exactly the same but different variations of it. I know someone who has been hit a few times by schemes like this all with different names and different forms of getting money from you - not only the water filters but cleaning products - money saving schemes, all depending on people putting money in and using that money to pay the first people that pay in, it makes it very attractive when they get first pay out that they feel compelled to reinvest but unfortunately at some stage the money runs out and that is when people get hurt. I usually go with my gut when I invest and if it seems too good to be true etc.
ya i get that hans and its what i thought to myself right away but i said id give it a go ON MY OWN and see where it takes me,once im not hurting anyone else then im fine with that,as i said,had some spare cash and thought why not,thanks for the replies
Has all the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme to me.

Why do get the feeling all the banners are advertising the scheme and not actual product.
the banners are your own product or products that bought ad space from you
no vandriver its not, i have no product as such, thats why im going to a broker who buys ad space for me, sells it at a profit and im hoping to reinvest anything i potentially make to buy more ad space to sell on again, if i had a product or a business i could use this ad space for my own use, again using the broker just to buy but not sell
no clubman its not honestly, i literally just joined today and had it open and used the name,no devious intentions intended lol