Intelligent footballers


Pat H

Oldie but goodie...

Alex Ferguson has been getting worried about the poor start to the season. So he calls on his old mate Arsene Wenger.

"Arsene - I've got to ask you: how come your players are doing better than mine?"

"Ah, M. Ferguson - the secret is intelligence. I only buy intelligent footballers."

"Intelligent footballers?" This was definitely a bold and original approach. "But Arsene, how can you tell before you buy them? They all seem the same to me."

"Before I add any player to my team, I give them each a little test, a question. For instance, before I bought Thierry Henry, I asked him 'Name your mother's brother's nephew'. Quick as a flash he said 'Thierry Henry' and so I knew he was intelligent."

Sir Alex went back to Old Trafford deep in thought. He wondered how his squad would perform if he tested them. As he watched training, on impulse he called Gary Neville over.

"Gary, I have a test for you."

"Yes boss?"

"Name your mother's brother's nephew."

A look of bewildered panic filled poor Gary's eyes, and he started sweating.

"Uh - can I think about it, boss?"

Gary made a beeline for Roy Keane on the pitch.

"Roy - you've got to help me. The guvnor just asked me a weird question. Name your mother's brother's nephew."

"You stupid ******", said Roy. "That's easy. Roy Keane."

Relief filled Gary's soul. Immediately after training, he ran over to Sir Alex. "Boss, I know the answer to the test."

"Well, what is it?"

"It's . . . Roy Keane."

"Oh for the love of God. You stupid ignorant idiot. That's not the answer. Your mother's brother's nephew is not Roy Keane.
It's Thierry Henry."