Motor Insurance quote while prosecution pending


Registered User
A friend who has a prosecution pending for “driving without consideration " is having difficulty in obtaining a renewal quote.
Has anyone experienced this problem before or received a quote in such circumstances
His current insurers are obliged to deal with him if he cant get cover elsewhere.

But do you mean "difficulty in obtaining a reasonable renewal quote?
His current insurers are obliged to deal with him if he cant get cover elsewhere.

But do you mean "difficulty in obtaining a reasonable renewal quote?

The incident from which the prosecution arose happened about twelve months ago . In the meantime he allowed his insurance to lapse for about six months.
So he is in effect looking for a completely new policy starting now.
His old company will not quote him nor will many others. He is tempted to do as many have done in similar circumstances and " say nothing " about prosecution.
Thanks for taking time to reply.
He needs to get 3 written declinature letters from insurers and then his old insurer has to deal with him.

I'm going to guess he's probably continued to drive for these 6 months he's been off cover if that is his attitude.

Insurers have access to the licence database so I wouldnt do that. If he has a claim he will be quickly found out and the could find himself with a judgement against himself for a large claim.

He would not dream of driving while his insurance has lapsed over the past six months and I have no idea how you came to that conclusion ! .
Also there is currently no claim against him of any sort .But I take your point that if he failed to disclose the impending prosecution while sourcing a new policy and subsaquently had a claim then his policy would not cover him.
There seems to be an attitude within insurance companies that if a person has a break in insurance for some reason it is assumed they are still driving uninsured or are hiding something thus resulting in problems getting cover later.
He would not dream of driving while his insurance has lapsed over the past six months and I have no idea how you came to that conclusion !

I quite clearly said I guessed. An assumption based on the moral hazard displayed by the fact you had said he was considering not declaring his conviction.
He probably needs to shop around to be honest. If he is forcing a company to quote, generally they will be expensive. Most brokers have access to specialist insurers that will quote this type of risk,
Last insurer MUST quote. They should not apply a loading UNTIL after the trial, or else if he is found NOT GUILTY they should refund him any loading.
Sure he might not even be prosecuted. He will only know if he gets a summons. Given the incident was 12 months ago that may not happen now.
Hi W

What was he doing at the time?

It seems to be on the lower scale of motoring offences.


The whole case revolves around my friend (let’s call him John) who was involved in a minor traffic accident involving a cyclist at a roundabout.
No damage to the cyclist, none to the car but a witness called the Gardaí to the scene.
Gardaí checked out scene, breathalysed John which is normal (he passed) and everyone went about their way.
The next day John reported the accident to his insurance company as he is supposed to do in the event of a claim.
A few weeks later John is asked to report to the Gardaí station where to his surprise he is, read his rights and informed that he is to be charged with a traffic offence.
In the meantime he received his insurance renewal documents and again was surprised to find that the premium had almost doubled. On enquiring about this he was told it had nothing to do with the accident as there was nor has there been a claim by the cyclist but simply that all premiums had increased.
John was not in a financial position to pay the large premium involved and so let his insurance lapse. He is now in a better financial state but as I posted earlier nobody will give him a quote.
In relation to the legal proceedings he has been summoned to appear in court next month.
I suppose it might be best hold off on getting insurance until after court case when with a bit of luck he might end up with a clean slate.
Sorry for long winded reply.
Thanks for all replies and interest shown.
I suppose it might be best hold off on getting insurance until after court case when with a bit of luck he might end up with a clean slate.
That would be the best option really.
Am I reading this right? He had an accident/incident with a cyclist, but no claim has been made by the cyclist in about 12 months? He has not been prosecuted and tried yet either?

he should approach his previous insurers, speak to someone who has some bit of authority, ie a supervisor of some sort, put this to them and I would expect that he would be quoted with the benefit of whatever ncb he had at the time, with no loading at all.

NCB is stopped in the event of a claim or a likely claim. If there is no claim in 12 months, then it is unlikely if one will now commence. He is not facing any prosecution until such time as he gets a summons.
He is not facing any prosecution until such time as he gets a summons.

Hi Ravima and thanks for your reply.
As i stated in my previous mail he is in fact facing prosecution and is summoned to appear in court next month.
He is more or less resigned to wait the outcome of the court case .
I will keep you informed.