Insurance question best way to go


Registered User
hi all,

Wanst quite sure to put as a title. I have a diesel car, my boyfriend has a petrol car. He may be getting a new job when will involve communting to galway everday which is total is about 800miles pw.

My car is very economical, so he's thinking it might be better for him to take my car and i have his.

However, the cars are both in our own names, and neither of us are named drives on other cars.

So could anyone tell me how this would work? I dont really want to go down the route of adding another owner to my car. But can I add him as a named driver? or will this not work because techinally he will be driving the car all the time? Oh and I have a full licience, he on prov but test is next week again!!

HE may not be covered to drive your car if he is not a named driver.It would depend on his policy.This would also apply to you driving his car. You would be better putting each other on each of your policies as named drivers to get the full benefit of your policies. He could always change his car and get a more economical one for himself.
Technically the insured on a policy is supposed to be the main user of the vehicle, regardless of who owns it. In the event of an accident - yr insurance company could get picky, especially if your car is a higher cc and yr partner still has a provisional.