Infrared heaters


New Member

I have a small apartment that I am currently renovating. It was built in 1993 and has not great insulation and a problem with condensation. I have just removed the old storage heater that was there. I am looking for a replacement heater, that is economical and good at heating an apartment that is prone to condensation. As such, I've heard about Infrared heaters, they would be placed on the ceiling.

I am just wondering if anyone has them and would be willing to share their experience and importantly would they recommend them?

Many thanks
The best heating system is the one you don't need so your first area to concentrate on is heat loss reduction. Lack of insulation may or may not be an issue and a lot of people mix up poor insulation with draughts (aka lack of air tightness). Because it is an apartment you likely can do little about the insulation but you can do a great job on the airtightness. Given that you are renovating, now is the time to get your air tightness sorted as best you can.
You mention condensation so as well as a well heated apartment you also need an appropriately ventilated apartment, so ventilation should also be a priority.
Whether the apartment is owner occupied or rented may well also be a factor with excessive condensation because renters tend not to care about properly heating and ventilating as well as likely adding excessive moisture through drying clothes internally.

Back to your question about the heaters; I doubt the infrared heaters would help with excessive condensation, likely the opposite.
IR Heaters are from the dawn of time. Think of you great granny with the two bar electric fire.
In the 50-70s they were often found in bathroom, were there was little or no heating in the rest of the house. This is what they are useful for, they heat the surface rather than air. So good when you're in the nip after a bath and want to quickly feel warm.