Incorrect Direct Debit Amount


Registered User
I authorised a Direct Debit for the supply of contact lenses for a set monthly amount. However I just discovered that the direct debit should have been set up for a lesser amount. I am just wondering if I am entitled to a refund of the difference between the two amounts?

Direct debits allow for amounts that may vary, you will have signed up for this and therefore have no grounds for complaint when the amounts do vary and sometimes also the timing of the debit to your account also varies from what you may have expected..

A standing order gives you control and allows you set the regular monthly amount you want to send to the third party but of course not all providers like the customer to have that control....
The best thing to do would be to contact the company and clarify if there has been an overpayment. If the amount charged is incorrect, and it is a reputable company, there shouldn't be a problem in getting a refund.