Income Tax - Non Resident Landlord - PRSI?


New Member

I am living and working in the UK the last 4 years and have a share of a property in Ireland since 2020.

I worked for about 10 years in Ireland before I moved. I am a Irish national.

I have being paying my income tax on the rental income yearly on ROS. After going to pay 2022 and 2023 preliminary tax they are now trying to charge me 500euro PRSI for both years, this was never the case before.

I can see as a non resident landlord I am not due to pay any PRSI, however I understand as a voluntary contribution it could help my pension.

I am unsure if you should be paying this PRSI when you already pay national insurance in the UK as both countries have the double taxation agreement?

Can anyone please clarify.

Much appreciated

A Confused man
Who's completing your tax return?

They're doing it wrong.

You need to tick a box to claim PRSI exemption
My uncle was helping me with it, has has a share in the property.

He is telling he will will help me get the full pension in Ireland and the UK in the future, the way i am reading it is that your national insurance contributions in the UK also apply for the Irish pension (along side any PRSI I paid when working in Ireland?)

Thank you
We availed of the voluntary contributions to build up pensions but it wasnt through ROS - it was directly to the PRIS office in DOnegal. Suggest that the 500 you are paying wouldnt be for the right class anyway. Deselect PRSI.