Income tax credits etc. for 2007 in effect yet?

Anna Lucia

Registered User
Should the new tax credits for 2007 be up and running at this stage? It wasn't for my Jan Pay but was told it should be for feb and refunded for Jan however feb pay is even less than jan pay was?? Im lost I have looked at the tax calc [broken link removed] does anybody know if this is accurate? According to this myself & hubby who work together were underpaid 404.04 this month.
Re: income tax

Yes they should be, but I am sure that some companies are delayed. The easiest thing by far is to ask your Payroll Dept. Thay can tell you straight away, as opposed to us speculating here.
Re: income tax

Did you receive your copy of your statement of tax credits yet? While the employer may receive notification earlier if you have received this then it's almost certain that the employer has been informed too. In which case one would assume that they have applied the new figures although it's not guaranteed. Ask your payroll department as mentioned above. And maybe also register for Revenue's PAYE Online service and check your details on their website.
Re: income tax

I got my copy of tax credits in the post a few weeks ago - Employer says he hasn't received them for anybody yet - Should he not request them at this stage?
Re: income tax

I got my copy of tax credits in the post a few weeks ago - Employer says he hasn't received them for anybody yet - Should he not request them at this stage?

If you got your copy of your tax credits cert. then your employer has a copy too as they are posted at the same time.
Re: income tax

We got ours implemented in this month's salary payment & our tax credit certs were issued on 12th Feb 07 - as per the date on the accompanying letter.
Where I work I do the payroll, the tax credits for all the employees came in through the ros website this year and I got an email to let me know to log on that they were available to be downloaded a few weeks ago (around 22/1/07) and as we are paid weekly we all had our refunds included in our pay on 26/1/07.

I did not receive anything by post, but I had a few letters during 2006 informing me of this which I am sure everyone else had also.

Maybe you should speak to whoever is in charge of the payroll department again.
Mine were implemented in January even though I only got my notification in February. And it wasn't just the employer applying the new SRCOP and rate because I have a few non standard credits that were also included.