Income means test for disability allowance for the self employed. (SW forumla)


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Hello. I wonder if someone could help me out regarding the Income means test for disability allowance for the self employed. I have read the welfare website but find it difficult to understand the way it is worked out for the self employed. My wife has been diagnosed with Arthritis of the hips,shoulder, wrist, and elbows and is awaiting for many months now a consultation with a consultant rheumatologist, and it may take up to 4 years on the waiting list she has been informed. While we both worked in the same buisness she is now unable to work due to her Arthritis and when one is self employed there is nothing available from social welfare other than Disability Allowance. If someone could explain in simple terms how Income is worked out with the special formula social welfare have i would be most grateful. Thank you.
Re: Disability Allowance

Self-employed income is treated basically the same as PAYE.

Nett self-employed income (both yours and wife's) is assessed by using latest available accounts. If there are no other means (second house or from savings, etc. ) the combined income is divided by two to give your wife's weekly means. This is taken of the weekly rate of DA and she will be paid the balance.