Income affecting adult dependant increases


Registered User
I has a quick question.

I note from a letter allowing Invalidity pension it says a dependant can have an income of up to €100 a week without it affecting the increase.

Is this €100 an average amount per week or is each week viewed separately? Say if the dependant has very irregular work and may earn more than €100 in a particular week but may have no income again for several months. How is this dealt with?
Upon reading the guidelines some things remain unclear.

The guidelines seem to assume that income was in the past. It also seems to take an average over the previous 52 weeks. Am I right in thinking so? So say the €100 a week exemption would be averaged over a year thus allowing an income of €5200 to be earned over the course of a year?

So if a ADI was granted on the basis of no income in the last year and that spouse then takes up an irregular job at which point is the ADI reassessed? Immediately, a year later?