Hi I am 30 year old single female whose finances are in am bit of a mess. four years ago I started a personal pension with Eagle Star (following parents advice your never too young etc.........) I pay €86 per month into that, which is rises every year and I realise is a bit low. But last year I changed jobs and have now been made permanent, and the option of joining the pension scheme is now available to me, I am not sure about the % they pay in, but I am wondering what options are available to me re pensions, then I was reading a post when Brendan Burgess said that really saving for a deposit should be a immediate priority. Now I am really confused, as I am paying rent every month and I know it is dead money, however what little I do save the deposit for house seems to become more unattainable each month. I do pay €100 per month into an SSIA. I really need to get orgainised.