Impact of no flood insurance on mortgage?


New Member
My home is in an area that insurers deem to be at risk of flooding (long since completed flood protection works not withstanding).

I have been paying a premium (2x plus massive excess) for insurance that includes flood cover, but the insurer is now completely withdrawing flood cover.

My question is whether or not I need to fear my mortgage provider's reaction to the withdrawal of flood cover?

Could it impact my mortgage in any way? I see no specific reference to it on their website nor in any of the documents I have. It is simply stated that I must ensure "adequate buildings insurance". That "adequate" there seems rather a loose term for such an important legal obligation.

If I say nothing and just continue with the same insurer, no one is going to notice anything. If I switch to a cheaper insurer (who also won't cover flooding), I'll need to provide the lender with a new letter of indemnity, and perhaps then they note the lack of flood cover, and perhaps then they decide to punish me...

Any thoughts? Thanks
In practice, there's nothing your current mortgage provider can do. It does however impact on your ability to switch mortgage provider in future.

If you switch insurer, there'll be a message sent to the bank noting you've said they are mortgage provider. You don't need to send any letters or anything, it's not the same as drawing down a new mortgage.