Immersion loss.


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Hi, my immersion is set for one hour from 6PM to 7PM. the thermostat must be set to max as the water after this time is too hot for skin. Without using any hot water from 7PM at 8AM next morning the water temperature is just tepid, the cylinder has the foam type insulation and is approx 18 years old. The oil central heating did also heat the hot water but I don't use the central heating now. Where's the hot water going? Can I check anything to reduce the loss?
Heat transfer, check adjoining pipes to see if they are hot, you'll locate any of these hot pipes in moments, also it is just the top part of the tank that the immersion heats, the bottom of the tank is colder water so loss over time through heat transfer is the answer.
could you have a leak somewhere under ground?
if you can get in to your attic, you should look at your cold water tank. If its constantly filling eventhough you have all your taps closed off, then your water is going somewhere.
Mine would do the same and it's the same type tank, when I had an old tank with no foam I had two old duvets tucked in around it, they worked better than the foam one now does, keep meaning to shove an old duvet around this tank too as you can tuck it in around the pipes etc.