Image size for newspaper printing


Registered User

I am trying to email a press release to a newspaper. I need to attach 2 images. They currently are 2.9mb in size each which seems huge.

What is the lowest I can reduce them to without compromising resolution and quality. What is the easiest way to do this?

Thanks a mil
Do you have Microsoft Picture Manager as part of a MS Office Suite on your machine? You can use this to reduce the size of your image. You can also use PhotoShop if you have that either.

Normally for any press releases that I issue, the image should be no larger than 1Mb.

Ask the paper what do they need? Images for print are huge.
You can save it in pdf format, which is easily done. You download CuteWriter from When you want to save it as a pdf just click on file, print, and use the pulldown menu to choose the CutePDFWriter instead of your normal printer. You then specify the destination you want to save the file to.
she shouldn't email pictures with your press releases
pix for pic desk - press release should do to news desk. 180 dpi is enough for newspapers - files 300k to 600k mark
unless they are regionals - then the lot could go to a contact you could make by phone whom gave you instruction
It is a regional and I do have a direct contact hence the reason I attached the images.

Thank you for all your suggestons.. good to know for the future.