Illness benefit and new needed!



I am a stay at home mother of 3. My husband had an accident and is awaiting a back surgery, he has been on illness benefit for one year, we recieve €402 (€188 for him and remainder for me as a dependent and the 3 children). I am hoping to get a job that pays €24k which is €400 per week. Does anyone know if I got this job would my husband still get to keep his own allowance of €188? Or what would we be entitled to...thanks in advance for any advice given, it is much appreciated!
See here:- Illness Benefit Illness Benefit is a payment for insured people who cannot work due to illness. You may qualify for Illness Benefit if you are unable to work due to illness, satisfy the Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) conditions, and are under age 66. The personal rate is not means-tested or affected by other income you may have such as an occupational pension.
Could I just ask if you were full time for past 9 years and then was put on 3 days a week at work and claimed JSB for the 2 days and your JSB came to an end would you be entitlted to Ilness benefit.