Ideas why bulb keeps blowing in car?

H7's seem to be the most troublesome,try a main dealer bulb they definitely seem to be better quality.H1,H2 etc are different types of bulb. They aren't interchangable.If you get someone to show you a H4 H3 etc the differences are very obvious.Go to any main dealer for your H7 bulb not necessarily a Peugeot dealer just make sure its a H7
Many cabby's that I work with use Peugeot 406 diesels and they all have the same problem, i.e. dip headlight bulbs blow.. sometimes 2 or 3 a month (OK, we run 10 to 12 hours overnight, lots of switch off/on, etc, but this still seems excessive). The bulbs are not being touched, they are not black when blown, they get switched on after engine start. If it's a design fault, any ideas for a work around? say an in-line fuse to the headlights? We're probably all buying cheap bulbs of course (10 for £27).. maybe a trip to the dealer to get 'proper' bulbs would be worth a try.
Actually the avensis I mentioned earlier is a cab. The main dealer bulbs really seem to last much longer. How is your latest bulb fairing out blinkbelle? P.s I drive an 02 transit 8 seater cab,good old trusty H4 bulbs. One blown in over a year's driving!!!