ICTUs 'Get Up, Stand Up campaign'

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I guarantee you that children will again be pushed to the front with placards saying "No cutbacks in education" and "Save our Schools" while the adults in the background who shamefully uses them will look for any passing photographer to "capture the angry mood".
Well spoted..god your quick!
Indeed it's good to see that my posts are read !
I am however a member of a private sector union that has no members in the public sector nor do I belong to any of the other bodies detailed and as such fit none of the categories mentioned by JohnD.
loads will turn out for different reasons on Friday and basically what will happen is the unions will spin it the govt on how much support they have and how much support they have against cuts to ps pay.
Someone's hacked [broken link removed]

They're running an adwords campaign too.
This crisis demands fresh thinking. So far all we've seen are reruns and reheats of the same failed red dawn attitudes.
Presuming that they're referring to that (awful) 1984 film, what has ICTU's campaign got to do with Russian and Cuban armies invading Uncle Sam?

This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, maybe [broken link removed] is going to show up!
I can see the gubbernment playing verbal hardball on this but all that will happen is that recruitment will be freezed (hopefully) pay rates will remain the same and that the numbers retiring willl facilitate a reduction in the work force.

If I had my way I would introduce a policy whereby all staff in quangos would be made reapply for their positions and all such positions are of a temporary nature. I'd then apply this model to the general civil service. I think standards and efficiency would increase if people were hired on a contract basis.
So when is this all kicking off - this afternoon isn't it?

What exactly will be happening?! I'm not entirely sure.

Is this simply a show of strength/unofficial mini strike?
Great stroke by the Union bosses. Organise a national one day stoppage. Divert attention away from the publicity around their €3000 to €4000 PER WEEK salaries

The only ones who will suffer will be those who lose a day's pay
Great stroke by the Union bosses. Organise a national one day stoppage. Divert attention away from the publicity around their €3000 to €4000 PER WEEK salaries

The only ones who will suffer will be those who lose a day's pay

There's be a plethora of wet beards in town this sfternoon so we'll all have to pay for their week of while they recover from their colds.
There's be a plethora of wet beards in town this sfternoon so we'll all have to pay for their week of while they recover from their colds

I hope that one of them is not Santa. I would hate if he got the flu as I am hoping that he will bring me a photo album of Nigella Lawson.
There's be a plethora of wet beards in town this sfternoon so we'll all have to pay for their week of while they recover from their colds.

Are you a member of a trade union?? From reading your posts it doesn't look like you are.

If you are not a trade union member you don't contribute to the leaders salaries...or the wet beards as you call them.
You have me pegged.

No, but I contribute a large amount to their members salaries.

Sorry, but i couldn't let you off with that lol

Keep up the good work regarding contributing to the members salaries!
There's be a plethora of wet beards in town this sfternoon so we'll all have to pay for their week of while they recover from their colds.
Bit previous there Purple !
The sun shone brightly on us , as we knew it would !
RTE, the public sector broadcaster, had its usual sycophantic pro-union report on the news last night. It was good to see Jack O’Connor say that they would ensure that the top 5% pay their fair share. Since he’s one of that 5% it’s the first time I have seen a union boss step up to the plate and offer to take his fair share.
I realise that many of the union members posting here are not as wealthy as Jack O’Connor or the other members of the elite in Ireland but never the less they should follow his lead; stop whining, stop being selfish, but the country and its children’s future first, and offer to take their fair share of the pain.

Well done Jack.
We're heading for a lot of strikes !!!

Not necessarily. By and large the Irish PS/CS don't really do strikes in the same manner as our continental cousins do. As I said before I've been a member of Impact since 1995 and have never been involved in industrial action.

Everybody accepts there needs to be cutbacks. Its just a question of how they are to be done - optics are very important in this situation. A bit of imagination is needed from all sides. I hope all parties can show some flexibility and hammer out some sort of deal.

I've just finished reading David Murphy's and Martina Devlin's book Banksters. Amazing stuff - and these are just the bits that they could publish!
[QUOTE]RTE, the public sector broadcaster, had its usual sycophantic pro-union report on the news last night.

It was for this very reason that Id take the news reports with a pinch of salt.
I do hope people realise turkeys wont vote for Christmas.
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