ICB report - what should it show DURING PIA?


Registered User
Hi all,

Have a 1 year PIA in place. It's got about 5 months to run. I've paid my lump sum and surrendered a property.

What should my ICB show for my creditors? Does it have some kind of pending descriptor or will it just show a series of missed payments up to September when I'm due to exit the PIA? What description should it show at that date? And then will that start the clock in the countdown towards removal from the ICB?

Thanks in advance.
If you go online under ICB and apply for your ICB ,it will give the codings they use .
Probably it will show missed payments as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 then a line of to 9,9 9, or may have codes for legal etc.
Not sure if PIA affects ICB , my understandinfg is that ICB just runs its course, ie 6 years .
When you get ICB let us know , please.

Thanks for responding Gerry but I'm trying to find out what it SHOULD say rather than what it does say. I think it's a question for PIP's or similar.

Am advised that PIA process has nothing to do with an ongoing ICB. They are two separate issues.
.Therefore your ICB will just show missed payments.
Hope this helps.