"IBOOD hunt"...an anticlimax and a waste of time?

Ceist Beag

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The iBOOD Hunt

Brand: iBOOD
Type: Hunt
How many: Over 200 different offers
Delivery time: Up to 10 working days.

More information
The iBOOD Hunt is back in town! Over 200 different products will be offered on the website today. As soon as one offer is sold out, immediately the next one will appear on the frontpage! But you better be fast since all products are cheaper than ever before! We wish you lots of fun with the iBOOD Hunt!
All the stock they couldn't shift the first time around!

Current offer is a varta flash light, RRP €20, iBood price, €22.50 including P&P!
yeah speakers, earphones and a torch - best online offer indeed! They had a tv stand with remote control that they claim was reduced from €399 to €39 ... what muppet would pay €399 for a tv stand!! I think the days are numbered for ibood if this is the best they can do.
The hunt is over..the sirens aren't there for the torch. What a load of c**p they were trying to shift.