I will get a UK "new State Pension" -will my wife get anything if I predecease her?


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I will get a full "new State Pension" in the UK at 67 mainly on the basis of voluntary NICs.

I'm wondering if my wife is entitled to any kind of widow's pension if I predecease her. We are both in our 40s. She's never worked in the UK so highly unlikely that she will ever live or work there in order to build up her own NI record.

From reading here it looks like a hard no. Wondering if anyone has a different take?

Even if she would get nothing I still think voluntary NICs are good value but they would go up in smoke if I don't make 67.
It looks like a hard No to me too. Not a very generous system compared to the Irish system and not great for those of us with health issues.
The enitlement is there for every eligible person to claim; its not hard to figure out.

All you need is a dead spouse (even a former spouse will do) & sufficient PRSI contributions.

Means tested WP can be claimed if you have a dead spouse and insufficient PRSI contributions.
So "may". Thanks for clarifying.