I there any great saving to be made in Tesco since their price decrease.

Re: Tesco prices

But aren't we all being asked to take a 5% cut to help the economy or is this only for the plebs?

If wages drop by 5% then people become more price sensitive and so shops have to drop their prices to compete. As one of their major costs, wages, had dropped they will be better able to do this. Chasing price increases with wage increases is one of the major reasons that we are in this mess. Remember that money has no intrinsic value; it is simply the measure of the wealth of a nation. Increasing money supply doesn't make us richer it just means that we have to pay more for the same goods (the goods are worth the same but the money is worth less).
Re: Tesco prices

Im delighted to be getting better prices on goods wherever they are from! Why would I buy Irish when I have to pay higher prices. If I can get a better deal buying English Mayonnaise over Irish Maynonnaise when it tastes the same why would I pay more for the Irish brand? Pity about us all if the store needs some things moved around sure is change not good??! The price on items such as dog food, razors, deodrant, washing powders and some baby products has gone down dramatically. Im happy to be a Tesco Customer!
Re: Tesco prices

I have noticed some Irish products I usually buy missing from the shelves, which is quite disappointing.

I also noticed a significant price difference in Listerine mouthwash - approximately a year ago, this was about €7; then a few months ago was reduced to €5.19 and is now available for €3.55 - makes me wonder what the margin was when it was selling at €7!

I also noticed that a 6 pack of 2L water @ €3.70 was more expensive than buying the same product in single bottles @ €0.55/bottle. You really need to keep an eye on their pricing for multiple packs.
Re: Tesco prices

It's great that tesco are bringing down prices, however, there is still a long way to go before there is a price parity with mainland UK, prices there are still far cheaper, operating costs in Ireland for tescos are only approx 5-6% more than in the UK, but Tesco Irelands pricing is still higher than that. My understanding is that they are dropping a lot of Irish Brands, in order to import UK Brands, meaning less orders for Irish food manufacturing, which in turn may lead to more job losses for the Irish Market. Look a little closer at tescos pricing, look beyond the marketing hype. We are still being charged too much. If tescos can do price parity with Euro and Sterling with their clothing range then surely they can do it with their foodstuffs, only then will be be getting the best deal! That's my two cents for the day!
Re: Tesco prices

From what I see, very few Irish made product has been dropped. Tesco know this is a sensitive issue. But you also need to know what brands are really "irish" - Jacobs biscuits are no longer made here and neither are many other "irish" goods such as Lyons Tea, Hb Icecream (excluding the traditional lines) etc etc.

Price parity can be done on clothing as the margins on clothing are very substantial, whereas the margins on food is low in comparison. Tesco make money through selling huge volumes.

As for previous prices being so high - this is the distributor factor. Most retailers despise having to use an irish distributor for goods originating across the irish sea. It adds about 20% - 30% to products which is naturally passed on to consumers. - Deleting this unnecessary cost means about 18% - 25% savings on products!
Re: Tesco prices

I think that a lot of their "value" product that was sold using a white label has been re branded with a colourful wrapper. I also think that they are playing around with sizes. I have come across very odd sized canned and packaged goods with odd pricing.
Re: Tesco prices

My local tesco store has dropped loads of irish goods. I stopped going there as i couldnt find the brands that i wanted all the shelf space had been taken over by tesco or low quality goods.
I had to go there yesterday (as Lidl didnt have some stuff i needed) which was my first time since they did the 'change for good' and saw 4 shelves of the same tesco sun cream....if that isnt taking shelf space from other products (non irish) i dont know what is!!

Interesting in the indo this morning about how the comsumers are losing out as the big stores cream it
Re: Tesco prices

Don't want to get into the whole Tesco are evil or not thing but I've always shopped there and my weekly bill has dropped significantly since they changed (down from average €130 to €900 (I haven't changed brands etc), money is tight so I'll be staying with them.
Re: Tesco prices

They weren't the only ones, see how Dunnes and Super Value followed suit.
Re: Tesco prices

Has anybody else noticed Tesco increasing their prices over the past 3 - 4 weeks. I've noticed their fresh noodles increased from 1.09 to 2.39 and their stir fry vegetables increased from 1.79 to 2.29.
Yes I agree with Deelite about the increases. Our local Tesco was "done over" about 6 weeks ago. The changes took a couple of weeks where the whole shop was a mess and the whole layout changed. Good price reductions followed of many items.

Now they are creeping back up again on a weekly basis. It appears the reductions are only a tempory game
Yes and come late October or early November they will have a pre Christmas sale reducing the prices back down to the way they were a couple of weeks ago. Clubcard points vouchers must be due soon.
Seems that we will have to wait for the Cork = Swansea ferry down here. The ferry terminal is about the same distance as the nearest Tesco's.
I haven't noticed this at all. The usual basket of items I buy has not gone up in price.