I have yet to pay the old household charge HC, Is it now €200.00?


Registered User
Hi again , Time I hope you can help me out here, Is the household charge now 200.00 euro, Thanks.
I have yet to pay the household charge, Is it now €200.00?

Since 1 July 2013, any outstanding Household Charge has been increased to €200. This amount has been added to the Local Property Tax (LPT) that is due on the property and is being collected through the LPT system.
It was€100 in 2012.
Household Charge was for i year only ie 2012 and was replaced by LPT
I have yet to pay the household charge, Is it now €200.00?

Hi again, I have yet to pay the household charge, Is it now 200.00 euro, Thanks for your help.
Yes it is €200 now until the 31/03/2014 and after that there is interest added on