I am writing an article about being ripped off

Tabloidism is rampant in today's society. There is a massive industry engaged in the processing and publishing of utter barbage across the tabloid world. Just stand in your local newsagent and study the piles of tabloids to get any idea of the scale of things. That's just the way of the world.

Lurid tales, sexy stories, grief and agony laid bare relentlessly, mindless intrusion, all these things are the daily stuff of the tabloids and I just wonder who are the consumers that absolutely must have such a diet. I think I know and it ain't gonna change any time soon because there's a lot of it about and they are prepared to pay for it regardless.

Just recently at another forum, I was participating in another debate where a certain politician was bemoaning the lack of interest of the Irish media in the goings on within the European Parliament in Brussels.
After a few brisk contributions one participant (a tabloid editor) blew us all away with unassailable logic (imho) when he said " look here, one mention of a breakage in Britney's knicker elastic would do more for my sales than 6 months of reporting EU parliament business and that's just the way it is".

Need I say more ?
" look here, one mention of a breakage in Britney's knicker elastic would do more for my sales than 6 months of reporting EU parliament business and that's just the way it is".
When did this happen? Why wasn't I told?
When did this happen? Why wasn't I told?

Becaue of the EU directive banning reporting on the story - don't tell me you missed that as well. What have you been reading - the tabloids?
That was Paris, you clown.
Humphrey Bogart ('Casa Blanca') : "We will always have Paris".
Oooops, I'd better stop this or I'll be on the bold step again.
I can feel the quiver in Clubman's quill from here. (Sorry 'bout that, Clubman).
Halfords r another UK retailer who rip republic customers off...... I live in Dundalk about 5 mins walk away from the Halfords store but my last two purchases in halfords have been made in lisburn which is about 1 hour drive up north.

Most recent purchase was a roof box and I saved about €70.....

Would like to spend my money in a local retailer........
He didn't put in the savings to be made on purchasing a newspaper when you can get it free online