I am a person! "Mr and Mrs John Smith" & why not "Mr and Mrs Jane Smith"

There have been many matriarchal societies through the ages... they've all failed.

'nuff said.

And yet, despite all the patriarchal societies that flourish, we have yet to find a utopian, or at least peaceful, society ( Scandanavia aside, obviously).
This is Wiki's take on Gaelic Utopia before Strongbow .............
Cáin Adomnáin, a Christian Law, promulgated by the Synod of Birr in 697, sought to raise the status of woman of that era, although the actual effect is unknown.[9] Regardless, although Irish society under the Brehon Laws was male-dominated, women had greater freedom, independence and rights to property than in other European societies of the time. Men and women held their property separately. The marriage laws were very complex. For example, there were scores of ways of combining households and properties and then dividing the property and its increase when disputes arose. Later, under the church laws, women were disadvantaged. For example, in this later era, a woman could not pass her property onto her children. Divorce was provided for on a number of grounds (eg. impotence or homosexuality on the husband's part), after which property was divided according to what contribution each spouse had made to the household. A husband was legally permitted to hit his wife to "correct" her, but if the blow left a mark she was entitled to the equivalent of her bride-price in compensation and could, if she wished, divorce him. Property of a household could not be disposed of without the consent of both spouses. However, under church law, women were still largely subject to their fathers or husbands and were not normally permitted to act as witnesses, their testimony being considered "biased and dishonest". [10]

............. and then the church stuck it's head in
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