I am a person! "Mr and Mrs John Smith" & why not "Mr and Mrs Jane Smith"

Did anybody raise the question:- When did this Mr and Mrs John Smith stuff start?
I have a very uncommon/odd surname and growing up both my sister and I joked that we could not wait to get married to get rid of it. Ironically, I havent got married yet......and dont think I will now at this stage. Even if I did roll down the aisle on my zimmer frame, I wont be changing my name in any way shape or form. It is me and its got me this far and I am proud of it.

There were no boys in our family, just my sister and I so that is the end of the line of our odd surname, as we have no relatives on my Dad's side. After all the slagging when we were young, my sister did not change her name when she married either.

Sometimes people trying to sell something ask for Mr. X or the man of the house. I tell them when they find him, let me know, but make sure he is tall dark and handsome.
Purple: +1. As in Adam and Eve
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Since it's the natural order of things it was always there...

Its an Anglo colonial relic. Irish women usually kept their own name. We're just reverting to the natural order - calling ourselvles by our own names.

Now we're all dying to know what your surname is!

I wouldn't have thought my surname was that unusual, but I always end up having to spell it a couple of times for people over the phone and even then, they invariably get it wrong.
Getting back to the topic of the thread I notice that, while most of my friends didn't take their married name, the fashion seems to have changed in the last couple of years and taking your husband's surname now seems to be 'in'.
I would never change my name - my new husband always knew this and it was never a problem. However, his family are taking some offense to this, particularly the mother. She sees it as me thinking I'm better then them or some such rubbish! - wants to know what's wrong with their name etc. I tried explaining that wives don't need to take husbands names anymore blah blah blah but she's in a huff now and won't talk to me................ jeeze if I'd known that that's all I had to do I would have married him years ago!


I've noticed a lot of people changing their names here lately. Particularly annoying when they send an email (with the new name) stating I have changed my name to Mary Bloggs but omit to tell you who they use to be. Then you have to tyr and remember what the new name is.

While I have no problem with people changing their name but do wonder why someone would give up an unusual surname to become Mary55Murphy on the internal address book.

I remember my mother was a bit miffed when my brother's wife kept her own name and was very suspicious as to what the grandchildren would be called. However, they all have my brother's surname.
Given the choice I would like the unlucky lady who marries me to keep her own name. The whole 'same name' thing probably goes back to idea that when you get married you become one entity. It's a bit silly in this day and age. But yes I could see a certain type of person thinking its a trendy to be going back to that of thing.... the same type that say 'WE'RE pregnant' that was mentioned on another forum somewhere and I thought was quite funny
My wife didn't care either way - and as a result, went with my name just to make things easier (in a number of senses)
I was told that in Germany, married women have no choice, they have to change their surnames? Can anyone confirm that?
Well it wouldn't surprise me considering other German laws - e.g. kids can only be named according to an approved list of German girls/boys names.

Has it's benefits though, no little Britnitzches or Jordanheims around anyway.
Anyway, aren't maiden names still inherited from the paternal line in the majority of cases? Then why the debasement of one sexist principle if only to cling to another if you retain the name?

Good point.
There have been many matriarchal societies through the ages... they've all failed.

'nuff said.