Hygiene in Swimming Pools


Registered User
Just wanted to see what others thought of this.....

I was in the changing room of the gym yesterday evening and while I was changing, several ladies came in from the swimming pool, used the toilet and returned directly to the pool without washing their hands. I thought this was disgusting - surely you wash your hands automatically?? There was no one on reception when I was leaving but I'm going to mention it next time I'm there and see if the staff will put up a notice reminding swimmers to wash their hands. It got me thinking about hygiene in swimming pools in general, although I'm not sure its a subject I want to think too much about.
My personal rant about swimming pools are those people (mostly ladies) who either freshly spray themselves with perfume or wash themselves without rinsing off fully prior to getting in the pool.

You can actually taste the perfume as you swim past them - There is a noticeable 'wall' of scent even if they are 3-4 lanes away!

(As for washing their hands - have you thought about whether they washed the bits that their hands touched - Both are entering the water! The hands are the least problem!!!)
(As for washing their hands - have you thought about whether they washed the bits that their hands touched - Both are entering the water! The hands are the least problem!!!)

I lived in Italy for quite a while and when Id friends over to Dublin they were always bemused/confused by the lack bidets in homes and in ammenities. Id often be met with confused statements like "how to do wash yourself after...."
The chlorine in the water will most likely kill any germs. Personally it wouldn't worry me. Even if the wash their hands their hardly likely to wash their nether regions as Sol28 says.
when you start to see "floaters" in your local swimming pool then its time to worry !!!
I went as a guest to my brother's gym recently and was shocked and disturbed to notice that one girl was sitting down on the bench in the changing rooms completely naked - with no towel underneath, she then for a moment brought her foot up to the bench to check her toe nail - while sitting down!!. My own gym has a rule about nakedness in the changing rooms i.e when walking/sitting around a towel must be work at least around the waist - didn't see any such signs in brother's gym.
My own gym has a rule about nakedness in the changing rooms i.e when walking/sitting around a towel must be work at least around the waist - didn't see any such signs in brother's gym.
Sounds like a prude's gym! If you can't be naked in the gym dressing/locker room then something's wrong...
Nah not a prudes gym at all - nakedness is fine but if you're wandering around putting on make up, drying hair etc I think you should put on a towel, at least around your waist. In all fairness nobody should sit on a bench without either underwear on or without sitting on a towel - this woman sat on a wooden bench completely naked with no towel under her - that's just nasty!
Nah not a prudes gym at all - nakedness is fine but if you're wandering around putting on make up, drying hair etc I think you should put on a towel, at least around your waist.
In all fairness nobody should sit on a bench without either underwear on or without sitting on a towel - this woman sat on a wooden bench completely naked with no towel under her - that's just nasty!
Wouldn't bother me but then I don't tend to frequent womens' changing rooms as a habit.
personally I prefer not to have to have conversations with women who are completely naked, big saggy bums and breasts hanging out (and that's just me!)

I do think though that the warm/humid temperatures in gyms are a breeding ground for germs - let alone on the wooden benches and I personally wouldn't like to put my phone/hairbrush or other items down on a part of the bench were somebody had been sitting completely naked - I don't know these people and i don't know what their personal hygiene is like, therefore I think it safer for people to sit on towels.

Bloody nora lads, maybe ye should just go for a walk/run.

Nakedness: No problem at all. It's refreshing in other countries when you see how comfortable everyone is with their bodies and nudity. I always have mental snigger watching the acrobatics that go on to keep a towel up when arranging getting dressed etc.

In all fairness, what exactly is the threat of using your phone after being put (upsidedown?) on a bench that someone (presumably out of the shower, therefore fairly clean) has just sat on? Did anyone ever catch the black death from inhaling perfume in a swimmingpool? One would imagine that seeing as it's designed for use on the body, it's threat as an inhalant would be fairly small.

I would have more (very mild) concerns about the cleanliness of the equipment inside the gym but it's not like I go around licking it or anything!!!


That's assuming phone is upside down and person has just had shower - not always the case I would imagine. Point is - wood breeds germs, germs linger and it's not just germs; without getting too personal - I wouldn't like to find anybody else's little hairs on any of my possessions. It's just as easy to put down a towel - if not then at least it's a bit more comfortable. Re - nakedness guess I must be kind of prudish - I just don't feel the need to walk around naked - if people pull all kinds of acrobatics to get dressed without showing their body then it shows that these people aren't comfortable with the full frontal either - I guess if they don't want their own wobbly bits on show, they don't particularly want to see anybody elses. While I myself don't engage in said acrobatics I do put on my underwear asap. Ah feck it who am I kidding I'm a big prude and proud of it!
Did anyone ever catch the black death from inhaling perfume in a swimmingpool?

Its not a hygiene issue - but its not a pleasant athmosphere to be assaulted by the latest perfume. Some people use so much there is a bow-wave of scent in the pool. Strong smells/chemicals give me headaches (and I know I'm not alone).

My other rant would be people who use spray on deoderants in the changing rooms and manage to spray everywhere and everyone else other than their own body - use roll ons - or actually direct your spray, please.

Nakedness - No Hassles - Though invariable its those that shouldnt be naked that are! And it is always funny to watch the undertowel acrobatics of those who get changed under them!

Nakedness - No Hassles - Though invariable its those that shouldnt be naked that are! And it is always funny to watch the undertowel acrobatics of those who get changed under them!

very unpleasant in a very funny kind of way to watch large naked women weighing themselves and going as far as taking off neckchains in case that has an effect! - however I must say I don't care whether people or fat or skinny- walking around changing rooms completely naked is just feckin annoying and the changing rooms in my gym are very pleasant since they put up this little sign!.
It still sounds like you are a prude...
Annoying to you maybe. Doesn't bother me or others by the looks of things. Personally it doesn't bother me whether people cover up or stay in the nip. I find it handy to stay in the nip from bench to (communal) shower and back where I swim rather than getting the towel wet. Do you have similar problems with open/communal showers by any chance?

Some of the tyranny of the "perfect" figure vibes in this thread are sort of depressing by the way...