HSE advert - feed mammy before she goes shopping


Registered User
Has anyone else heard this advert on radio in the past week?
It is basically 2 children talking - 1 has to go home to make sure mammy eats before she goes to do the weekly food shopping, and if she does not eat then she will only buy rubbish.
It is an insult to any self respecting mammy.
The money spent on this advert could definately be better spent.
Yes money could of been spent else where, but is this not a good idea, if there's not junk food in the house the adults and kids cant eat it.

The amount of junk that i used to buy was unbelievable, and half of that was eaten before i even got out of the shop! The looks i got giving empty packets to get scanned haha

I now only go shopping after i have eaten and not once am i tempted to put crisps, sweets, biscuits ect into the trolley.

It helps save money and we are all much better off. I still get the odd craving for a choccie biscuit in the evenings but there not in the house so i cant eat them.

Not the worse idea they have ever had.
Just heard the ad this morning. It's very odd and you'd have to wonder why they bothered making it at all!
altough i haven't heard the add, its always a bad idea to go shopping on an empty stomach, it does tempt u to buy some awfull crap. But why it needs to be advertised i dont know. Its like these signs they put up in work telling me to wash my hands after using the loo ( apparently we only need to do this since the swine flu came along). Is there really that many people who have no common sense..... actually there probably is.
Isn't obesity treatment going to be one of the big problems facing health services worldwide - so why not try to raise awareness - makes sense to me. (I havn't heard the add mind you!)
It makes a change to hear women being the butt of the advert rather than men.

I do think diet is a reasonable thing to have a public awareness campaign about, and women do most of the shopping (I wish that was the case in my house!). That said the ad is a bit cringe worthy, as are just about all ads with kids in them.
One doesn't expect high quality advertising from the public sector. This is not a criticism - merely an observation. One does not expect the HSE to have a marketing division - at least not one explicitly set up as such (though their "Health Gain" efforts do veer in that direction). If they did have a marketing division, the media would slaughter them for it.

The companies whose continued profitability depend on manipulating or persuading consumers to act in a particular way must get maximum bang from their advertising buck, and they have taken advertising to the level of a black art.

The public sector is not in the same position and frankly it would be odd ( and I think it would feel inappropriate) if they devoted the same management efforts and\or spent the same percentage of their budgets on marketing as do, say, the major supermarkets, alcohol\tobacco\ FMCG sector(s) etc..

Having said all that, an advertisement which irritates and which is remembered may well be achieving its objective rather well. And it is certainly the case - backed up by hard science - that shopping on an empty stomach will have an effect on your purchasing decisions.
Sorry, I don't get it. If Mammy (or Daddy for that matter) is this unfortunate obese slob leaking out the gaps in her XXXL track-suit due to buying trolley-loads of junk-food, then surely the answer is for her to stay home and let someone else do the grocery shopping?
I think it's more to do with the kids not mum or dad. And what they are being made to eat.

If mum and dad as you say are bulging out of their XXXL tracksuits ( love the way you put that ) well then thats there fault for stuffing anything and everything into their mouths, but if that is all that is in the cupboards at home then the kids either eat rubbish or not at all.

I saw a tv programm the other day and 1 woman was feeding her 5 years old and another young child i'd say around 12-14 months kebabs nearly everynight, fizzy drinks, crisps, sweets. I dont those children had ever seen a piece of fruit or veg in their lives, and it was sad to see at that age how over weight they already were.

To my mind thats cruelty to children.
I cant think of her name but it's the woman that looks at your poo!!! ( i really hope she gets paid alot for that )

She tore this woman to pieces about what she was feeding her kids, and said the same it was cruelty what she was doing. I very nearly felt sorry for her. But at least it worked thats the main thing.

Maybe its aimed at the mammies that don't respect themselves.
And it is certainly the case - backed up by hard science - that shopping on an empty stomach will have an effect on your purchasing decisions.

Which is fair enough but is it really something the government needs to tell people? Especially a country that is practically bankrupt?
I havent seen the advertisement - but reckon the HSE would employ marketing consultants for this campaign!!! Forget "Feed Mammy Before She Goes Shopping" what about "Feed the Patient" - €21m of Hospital Food - 37% of the food budget in HSE hospitals is Binned annually according to today's Sunday's Times working out to 5,000 tones of food per year or an average of 500g per bed per day.

That's the ministers fault... because of the cuts... lack of resources... it couldn't just be plain old incompetence, could it?
I assume the food is in the bin because the hospital tried to feed the patient but the patient left it after them (possibly because they are not well).

So perhaps a better campaign would be;

Patient - eat up - you paid for it.
I assume the food is in the bin because the hospital tried to feed the patient but the patient left it after them (possibly because they are not well).

So perhaps a better campaign would be;

Patient - eat up - you paid for it.
What, in 37% of cases? eehhhhh, I don't think so.
not surprised 37% is left behind, it is muck! I was in hospital for a week and whilst I expected a certain level of blandness I was not prepared for, amongst other food nightmares:
weetabix to which the milk had been added AGES before serving which left it soggy and sticking to the roof of my mouth.
scrambled eggs which had been slopped onto toast, the toast was so wet it may as well have been stuck in a bowl of water
coffee which was worse than any valu brand I have ever tasted
mashed potato which I suspect was SMASH and various soggy veg alongside woefully dried out meat.

Needless to say I did what most other people were doing and got my husband /Dad/Friends to bring in sandwiches. The poor women serving were getting ****ed off at me as I kept trying to refuse but it was truly awful.
When my Dad was in a 4 bedded ward there was a lot of food left over by everyone, especially veg. I would have said it was more than 37%.