How to setup VAT for an online business partnership?



I make graphic design images and I have been contacted by a German print company.

The artists and the company have a business partnership. Artists create the images and then the company take those images and create posters, banners and greet cards and distribute them across Europe.

Then a certain percentage made of each sale will go to the artist.

Payment is then made into my paypal account. Since I'm a EU citizen, I would also need a VAT no. for payments.

Can anyone advise me on how to go about doing this?

If I used the TR1 form, would I class as an individual from Ireland or as a partnership?


20 Second summary (its not detail!)
First thing is to establish is what VAT category you would be in
Will you exceed the threshold for that category in a calendar year?
If so you register immediately as all your sales are VATable if you exceed the threshold for the year even if you thought you would not
VAT on exports can be waived if other party has valid EU Vat number

Go here for a lot of detail