How To Persuade My Daughter to choose Junior Cert Business


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My daughter will be entering secondary school next year, and is making junior cert subject choices in 4 weeks time. She is serious and academically orientated. She has a choice of 2 /7 optional subjects for junior cert. She is dead set against choosing business studies, despite knowing nothing at all about the subject and wanting to choose alternative subjects that she also knows nothing about! I think she just got a negative vibe at an open day. I think that business studies is a very useful broad based subject. How do I sell the idea of business studies to a reluctant 13 year old?
Don't worry about it.

JC business studies is as close to useless as a subject can get. It is boring beyond belief and could well turn a student off the whole idea of business.

Not having done JC business studies is no reason not to study any of the three business subjects at LC. Some schools may require it but most don't mind and there is no practical problem.
How do I sell the idea of business studies to a reluctant 13 year old?

It's a waste of time and money pushing students into subjects that they have no interest in. Better she follows her passions even if the future pay structure is poor.
How do I sell the idea of business studies to a reluctant 13 year old?

You can't.
What are her friends doing? peer influences may help but forget it as a parent as your arguments will be logical, which doesn't work.
My daughter chose to do Art instead of Businesss Studies and she has gained so much from that choice. Very happy she made that decision.
My son is currently studying it and it's a rubbish course. I wouldn't say anyone who was ever involved in any aspect of business had any hand, act or part in developing the course. It's like something developed by the Consumers Association and a Trade Union. Let her do something else and study Economics or something for the Leaving Cert.
My daughter loves it.
Great to know your consumer rights etc. Loves accounts aspects

However I would not try to force your own daughter to do it . YOU will be blamed if she does not like it.
It is but it's got bugger all to do with business from the business side
I disagree
Legal/consumer (reputational) risks are important for most businesses.
Anyway 50% is accounts and looks pretty good to me ( as numerate but not an accountant)
way off thread anyway
How do I sell the idea of business studies to a reluctant 13 year old
You don't. Let her choose her own subjects, as long as she's doing Irish/English/Maths/History/Geography/Science/Language - you've got all the important stuff covered - leave her select the optional stuff.
In fairness to the OP it is important that kids don't limit their options for the Leaving Cert.
From a job prospect an understanding of business or a foreign language is more important than knowing how to speak Irish or how an oxbow lake is formed.
Thanks for all your suggestions. So the message is suggest but don't go to hard on it. I was hoping for some inspirational ideas like "won't you like to be like entrepreneur X" or whatever.....
options for the Leaving Cert.
Same deal really, as long as you have a broad range of subjects you'll be fine.

From a job prospect an understanding of business or a foreign language is more important than knowing how to speak Irish or how an oxbow lake is formed.
Slightly off topic, but from a job prospect; education in and of itself is important, being able to think, plan and reason. Every subject adds its own element to these skills.
More for my own curiosity than anything, but what is she looking to take instead?

Is it the alternative subject you object to or the lack of business? For example, if she has chosen a science subject then leave her at it, STEM is a great choice if that is where her interest lies.

What is it about business in particular that you think is important, has she shown any interest in a future career in a business field? Early days I know but what thoughts has she about her future?

Will not taking Business Studies at junior cycle prevent her from taking a business subject at senior level if she decided to? Others suggest it wont but safeguarding which subjects she might need for college entry is obviously important.

Dont get too caught up in the choices, I can honestly say I have never been asked what subjects I chose at second level at any point in my career!
Tell her it's easy or find out if any of her mates are doing it - it's your best hope unfortunately

It would be really helpful to know how the school decides the LC subjects. Mine insisted on Irish, English & Maths - with 4 optional (depending on availability). My parents asked me to take 1 science, 1 business, 1 language and any other of my own choice. I didnt know what I would do in college so this was gave me the broadest options - and I still got to choose between physics, chemistry or biology etc. That autonomy was important to me.
FWIW, if I had my time again I'd ditch all the science/physics etc etc and concentrate on the business and economics subjects and apply the same criteria to my 3rd level choice. And I wouldn't bother turning up for Irish.