How to help frost hit plants?


Registered User
Whats the best thing to do to help frost hit plants recover.

Planted about 80 shrubs in October and approx. 10 or so are beyond hope but another dozen or so look in poor shape. Is there any sort of feed that can help or is it a case of wait and see?

Not sure if you can recover from frost damage, but you could probably help prevent the others from further damage by mulching around the base of the plant. It depends on what type of plants you have too, native plants will have a better chance of recovery IMO.

Sorry - not much help for you. Hope you get some more better replies.

Only advise I would offer is do not feed them. If the plant is under stress at the moment, it would not be a good idea to feed as most feeds encourage growth of some kind and the plant needs to put most of its energy at the moment into just surviving the weather without having to waste energy on growing new shoots leaves etc..
Don't cut off the damaged dead areas just yet wait untill risk of frost is gone and then just water if need ed to encourage new growth before cutting of old deadwood
I have the same problem, all pants in my rockery are looking nearly dead. Frost completely destroyed them. I asked in a garden centre and was told to leave them until about April and see they might come back to life!
I asked in a garden centre and was told to leave them until about April and see they might come back to life!

I had three fuschia that looked done for a month ago. They were bare and brown. 4 weeks on and every one of them is growing new shoots from the gound up. The old branches are dead and hollow but there is at least 3 inches of new growth coming from the centre of the old plant. Hardy little so and so's.
frost hit plants

If you have any leaves that are brown don't remove them they will protect any new groth that might be be under them If there are no leaves using your thumb nail gently scrape the bark near the ground if the sap is rising it will be white/yellow (depending on the sort of plant) if it is dry and brown it might not have made it .