How to get over the fear factor!

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My partner and I are first time buyers, searching for our first home. We know we have messed up by not buying before now (even in the last 4 months prices in the area we want have gone up approx 50 - 60k), but thankfully we are at least in the position to have mortgage approval up to 390k.
Anyway, what I want to know is how do people (a) not go crazy when they're trying to buy a house?! all the stress is getting to us, and (b) how do you get over the fear factor? This is huge for us. We are afraid we could lose our jobs and not be able to repay the mortgage. We are afraid that there will be a property crash and that our house will decrease in value (I know this is only relevant if we plan on selling, but hopefully all goign well, this first house will probably only be a stepping stone for 5 years or so), that a whole lot of social housing or affordable housing could be built near us and loads of other concerns.
We have our eye on one house at the moment, which although not ideal it is probably the best option for the location we really want. But we are afraid to jump, and afraid not to jump!

Can anyone advise/sympathise/tell us to cop on?!

Many times each and every day , especially recently, you will see a craziness thread in this board here without asking . Just watch. That tells you the market is irrational and crazy , contagiously crazy. Don't do something crazy yourself so , walk away from it and come back again when it chills a bit !!!!!!!

Rent is awful cheap but the SSIAs have frothed everything up

The fear I saw before and actually felt it myself . It was London 1988 and 1989, another speculative froth and look what happened there. I had a £25 a week council flat and saw no reason to bother ......but I felt the fear.

Do not allow the expenditure of over €390k of your money and your futures (neither of you can pay the mortgage on their own I read from your wording) to be decided by fear .

Walk Away, you cannot handle this.
Look through some of the other threads in the forum recently-you will see plenty of symapathetic messages (for what they are worth) and sound advice (which is valuable).

I see no need for another thread on this issue, so I'm locking this one.
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