How to export pension fund overseas (payor aged 40)


Registered User
In new job, and have to fund my own (new) pension. This will involve meeting advisors, checking out options etc. I also have scraps of pensions elsewhere.

But am looking at an internal transfer for a new role which could be based in either Lux or Germany, my preference is for Germany - but what about my pension? Can I move my new pension across or should I wait to move, and then set my pension up there with the accrued funds?
If you move to Germany you and your employer will have to pay contributions to the German state pension for which you can draw later rights towards a pension.

There is a German private pension system as well in place called " Riester Rente"
You can chose from different providers. You will pay into it monthly and you get some contributions as well from the state - costs are a bit high so you have to shop a lot around but even after costs it is normally still worth it. The contributions you will get form the German state towards this private arrangement are higher when you are married and also depends on how many kids you have (the more the better).
In any case it is normally worth to have one. Just caveat emptor.

You can run following link through google translate
much more information on their website

But I would not transfer your current Irish private pension funds to Germany though! Most likely the money would be stuck there.
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