How to choose an Architect in Athlone


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Myself and my partner are hoping to build a one off family house on the outskirts of Athlone town. We have a 3/4 acre site and know that we want to build a 4 bedroom bungalow. My question is how do we choose an architect to do up the plans for us. As neither of us know any architects in the area and none of our friends or family have built in the area we are at a complete loss what questions should we ask, what price should it cost, can anyone recommend an architect to us.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a look and see if there are any recently built houses in the area. Maye you can ask the owners how they found their architect?
I am originally from that area. A friend is bulding a house at the moment ( in the planning stage) and I could source the number for you, but it won't be until next week.
Thanks for your help guys. Blinder would appreciate that name if you can get it for me.
a word of caution regarding SMG Doyle King in Athlone - I used them previousely to do a snag list and was very unhappy with the level of service I got from them. They missed things like damage to kitchen units and various other things which were obvious even to me. They did not test any of the electrics / plumbing / heating - which I would have expected, given the price they charged.

When I compleined about it, they offered to re-inspect after the builder had completed the items on the snag list - I did not take them up on the offer as I had lost confidence all in their 'expertise'.
liam O'doherty architects, very reasonable and he has a great knowledge in this area!
He will design a house that will be structural sound! Not like alot of architects who will desgn a house but will forget that blocks are made from concrete NOT rubber! It will look great on paper but hand the plans to a builder and he will change a fortune for circular walls, unusal roof designs etc.!
Did you ever think about getting a technician/draughtsman/engineer to draw the plans, probably half if not quarter the price, especially if ye are thinking about a relatively straight forward design!
Check out

Also follow this link to find 20 Q's to ask your Architect before you get started!
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