How the quote function works


Frequent Poster
Not a bug, but the quote feature is a bit different. We'll end up with quoted quotes the way it is.
1. I hit reply button.
2. It brings up all your post.
3. I can't modify your quote, as in reduce it. Normally I highlight a paragraph that is not necessary, then I hit delete, this doesn't work.
4. Instead I have to use the back button, which would take ages if you're deleting a lot of the quote.
1) I hit the Reply button and got

2) I highlighted the bits I did not want

and pressed delete.

The same as in the old system?

Well it won't delete for me. It's a laptop and not a phone if that's of any help.

Even on this post, with no quote at all, I can highlight, but when I hit the delete button nothing. I also can't bold or underline.
Well it won't delete for me. It's a laptop and not a phone if that's of any help.

Even on this post, with no quote at all, I can highlight, but when I hit the delete button nothing. I also can't bold or underline.

I was testing, and there is no delete button for me to delete this post.

There is a) save, b) review and c) Cancel, (but bingo, I now see the attach files button (for my new thread)
There isn't a delete button on Xenforo as such.

Just type your text and use the delete button on your keyboard?
That's what I was doing, my keyboard delete button does not work. Nor does Control B for bold, nor does highlighting and hitting the B button. Also separate to that there is no delete button to any post. I literally can not delete this post. But I can go with the back button and delete everything, slowly.