How much is your mortgage per month?

Reading the earlier replies, I feel embarrassed to tell ye what I pay....I'm 2 yrs into a 20 yr mortgage of 67 500 (that's the loan, not the repayment amount!), have paid lump of 5k and repay the princely sum of €368 pm after TRS.

Can I just say in my defence that I've been a mortgagee since 1985.....and I don't own anywhere yet (not fully anyway - thankfully I own more of this house than the building society does )

Don't know how the 4-figure repayment folk sleep at night
Mortgage & top up loan 1400 per month, 221K and 18 years outstanding. 600 per month comes in for 9 months when I rent rooms to students.
530 gross p/m. Borrowed 105k in 2002 over 25 yrs. However, started overpaying about 18 mths ago, and also lobbed in a redundancy payment, so the outstanding loan is now 21K. We've opted to maintain the same monthly payment so hope to clear it in the next few years. We've got a tracker II with NIB, and it's nice to see how the interest portion of the monthly repayment has plummeted. Swings and roundabouts - tiny mortgage, but only one income...still very happy though.
Self build at mo. Cost: Child all 515 plus 400 ssia old savings =915 plus 600 now. Total =1515 at mo.

Up to last yr ch. all paid mortgage. wondering now how people do this - its a lifestyle habit - gotta go back and scrimp again, like we did when we started out 15 yrs ago. Telling kids, NO, must budget now! They seem to think that they can have laptops, scooters or hi-plasma tv's next week! (ps. I make them do chores for every cent I hand over!) heavens, I didnt grow up with those expectations??????????? kids seem to think we're poor, now?! Cricky! Whats wrong????!!!!!!!!! Is it the kids or us?!
blinkbelle.......wondering why you are interested in this info....without knowing financial circumstances of the people i think it is of little value.
wondering what good is thhis info without knowing financial circumstances of the person....2000 euro a month can be peanuts to one person and a killer to another