How much is your mortgage per month?


Registered User
OK so I know we all have different amounts of mortgages but i guess im just being a bit nosey and want to see what every one else is paying for there mortgage per month. I'll start and shir if anyone wants to join..

Nearly 1,000 and thats up to date with all the recent increases and I only have a small mortgage of 200,000
Thanks to good auld charlie and the ssia's - zero thank god!
Myself and Mr Bear pay €1875 per month - outstanding mortgage €375000 - thats over 25 years - we have also paid 25k off it with SSIA monies
Mine is €897 before TRS of €60 and thats for €170,000 over 25 years. Hope to pay €20K off it over the next couple of months, as well asgoing to up the repayments to about €1400 and pay it off quicker.
~1200 per month.Hmmm always wondering whether I should pay it off faster or whether the money would be put to better use elsewhere?
801.00 per month including life and house insurance. That was on 186,500E over 30 years. Ah, the good ol days!
Just switched to NIB - 180,000 over 20yrs. Repayments 1118 per month (excluding TRS). Happily on < 50% LTV. Will probably up the payments somewhat once the dust has settled from the renovations.
Mine is €897 before TRS of €60 and thats for €170,000 over 25 years. Hope to pay €20K off it over the next couple of months, as well asgoing to up the repayments to about €1400 and pay it off quicker.

Hi MandaC, that seems to be a rate of 4%. Can I ask what bank that's with? Is that a one year introductory rate?
Mine is approx 1100 for 180,000 over 25 years with 22 years left.
Brouhaha, its the NIB LTV mortgage, only drew down end Feb., so only 2 payments gone through as yet. Exact figure is €897.77 per month, and its 25 years and 2 months (the two months have just gone now)

Its not a one year offer, that should be for the life of the mortgage. BTW, €170K is too high for me, I hate having that type of debt hanging over me, thats why I intend paying the €20K down off it straight away and upping the payments to clear it off. Imagine, only 2 payments in and I want rid already!!
at the mo its 770 per month on a 165000 mortgage with 22 years left. BUT im moving to a new house next month (which i bought last year off plan). I cant sell my own house and will have to get bridge loan to pay for both until the house sells. needless to say I dont sleep very well!!!
About 1150 (I think). Original mortgage 216K over 25 years. Moved to NIB LTV @ ECB+.51% for 191K over 21 years.