How much do you swear?


Registered User
Wondered about this when I see some of the self censored expletives etc on the site. As far as I can see, the Irish (as opposed to other English speaking countries) swear a lot. Most people I know swear on a daily basis if not more frequently.

At work/with customers I would never do it -even if they do (and they do sometimes). In front of or at children - never for me. Usually if I don't know the person - whatever the circumstances I won't swear. With friends/partner though, fairly regularly - even the worst swear words.

It's often said that swearing indicates a lack of articulation but I don't necessarily always agree. I actually enjoy it sometimes - juvenile as it may sound, I like using it for dramatic/comic affect. And sometimes there simply is no better way of expressing something IMO.

It's culturally interesting too - the Spanish apparently are very free and easy with their swearing - even in so-called polite society. French Canadians supposedly swear a lot too - but in their culture, rather bizarrely, swearing involving religious imagery is reserved for the most insulting exchanges.

E.g. rough translation: "By the altar, I will hit you a chalice of a smack in the face".

In contrast, Poles seem to view 'swearers' as the lowest form of life.

How often would you use the F word for example?
I think swearing has a place, venting frustration and also for comedic effect but it's bugs me when it's dropped into casul conversation for no good reason, i'm a culprit myself. So for Lent we have a Trocaire box in the office as a swear box, 20 cent per swear. Everyone has developed their new favourite words eg Rats, fruit, sugar to vent their frustrations!
Not very often. Same as yourself, I would never do it in front of customers, although I may to my co-workers ABOUT the customers. Never in front of children. A four year old told my fellow four year old neice that she was an effin eijit in playschool yesterday. Way out of order.

For the dramatic effect, yes! I will swear freely if among friends, family etc. Never in front of my Grandmother! Never with strangers. Or older people, I dont think its appropriate. I usually think it though.
I can honestly say that I very rarely swear - friends will always look a little shocked when I do as it is so seldom. But this gives it a lot more effect when I do use certain words. In my waitressing days it was very satisfying to describe an ignorant customer with particular words.
Subject reminds me of Father Ted where phrase such as "fup off" and "you backstard" are used!
Only on unexpected event, e.g. opening fridge & pot of jam falling out onto floor, then yes an F would ensue, or reversing into someone ( hasn't happened yet but you goet the drift). Not for dramatic effect in conversation, don't see how that's ever appropriate.
On a big drive to cut out swearing since the arrival of our 1st born and it's great. Really notice other people swearing though which is strange
I swear like a sailor

Seriously though am making a big effort to cut it out, have just noticed it during times of extreme stress!
I suppose I should add that despite my limited fondness for swearing, I don't think there is any excuse for that kind of 'swearing as punctuation' type delivery or almost as a vocal tic. But it is very widespread too.
Was at Des Bishop recently. If it wasnt for his continous swearing the show would have been useless
I'm quite free with my swearing, possibly thanks to years spent on building sites. Never in front of children or the elderly, or the clergy for that matter. Reminds me of something I read about the 'F' word being the most versatile word in the English language. The example was something along the lines of 'I don't give a f about what the f those f-ing f-ers are f-ing doing'.
If I had to put money in the Trocaire box with every expletive,the children wouldn't eat for Lent!
God ,Im gonna spend my life on an online dictionary! had to look up Phillistines,for a minute I thought you were saying palistines,THATS what I get for speed reading!!