How much could I be approved for?


Registered User
Just want to ask any of the experts on the site their opinion.

I am on a waiting list with Fingal and having read some of the messages on this board I'm starting to think it ain't ever going to happen for me. At least not in the next year. thinking of seeing how much I can get approved for just going for a mortgage. But before I do if anyone could give me a rough idea before I go to the bank/building societies etc.

I am on gross 43k per year, plus 600 euro car allowance per month.
I have only a car loan which has a balance of 10k, and I have a small AIB loan which I owe 2k on.
I have no credit cards, no other loans, nothing on HP.
I have 6500k saved with EBS, and my SSIA of 5k is coming through in April...

can anyone give me any idea, I realise I will have to move outside Dublin, and possibly change my car for something cheaper, both of which I am willing to do.

How much are your car loan repayments?

Would you clear the AIB loan from your savings?

How long have you been in your job?

what are the monthly repayments on the loans?
what age are you?
what line of business are you in?
how many bedrooms in the property you are planning to purchase?

I'd say a max of 250k for a 95% loan over 35 years if your loan repayments amount to approx 200 pm for a 3 bed property.

considerably less if you require 100%

280,000 if you got rid of the loans
Would the car allowance of 7.2K per annum not be classed as income (it is for BIK so I assume the same rules would apply), and if so would this not push the OP above the income threshold?