How long will you live?


Registered User
Did many people watch the program last night on RTE "How long wil you live?" I thought it was a facinating program which highlighted what stress can do to a person's health. The woman in question was in her early 40's with six kids ranging from 5-17 if I remember rightly.

Also as part of the program people are given a comprehensive health check in the Mater and as part of this a cyst was discoverd and she had to have an operation to have her spleen removed. If she hadn't had the screening this may not have been picked up on and it could have turned cancerous.

It wouls make me consider having a comprehensive health check as a result of the program. Anyone else watch it?
Enjoyed it alright last night. My parents both worked in the states for 15 years and every year their companies sent them for a full check-up. It was felt that this expenditure was better for the company in the long run as sicknesses were found earlier and so less sick pay or time off work.
I have suggested it at my current workplace but no go yet!
I am definitely coming to the opinion that you should have one every year, if only to get rid of those niggly worries .
I would like to get a complete "service" done
Where would you go about organizing this - through hospitals, GPs.. ?

I saw the program and enjoyed it. Inchadonney Lodge & Spa looked the business. She looks great for having had 6 kids. It made a big difference as years down the line she could have been looking down the barrell of a loaded gun.
Did she have her spleen removed ? I thought it was just the pancreatic cyst. Also, it was Barringtons in Limerick where the 'service' was done - I think. The surgery was done in the Mater. Gerry McEntee - last time I saw him on TV it was a different type of surgery he was doing, or should that be butchery ;-).

Anyway - 6 kids, husband not around much and she's stressed - go figure. I would watch the program again but the presenter has a face I'd never tire of slapping.

There is a place in Sandyford that does similar check-ups - not sure if it does blood work though. I won't mention their name in case it's against board rules. I've no connection with them and have never used them - VHI don't cover it.
I quite fancy the presenter

Yes she had the tail of her pancreas and her spleen removed with the cyst.
I think the presenter looks like he could do with a good meal mind you! A little too thin buy hey was it Nancy Reagan who said "You can never be too rich or too thin?"

I will , and the VHI do cover some of the charges for health screens depending on which of the plans you belong to. As for the TV programme itself its much more interesting when they deal with someone like last week, a 42 year old obese male smoking 20 a day , takeouts several nights of the week, 10 pints and a shed load of vodka on a Sat night.! He had the lung function of a 66 year old before he made some lifestyle changes . As for the presenter - looks to me like his face was already after getting a good slapping
More details on Geraldine (fine-looking woman!) and the programme [broken link removed], and on the surf-boarding, DJ-ing Dr Hamilton [broken link removed]... Make you sick, wouldn't they?

More on-topic: in France and most other EU states, everyone — taxpayer or not — is entitled to a free head-to-toe every three years or so. Another area in which this great little country lags disgracefully behind the field, despite our economic successes...
Oh BTW I'm in Cork so if anyone has suggestions on where to go.
kazbah said:
Oh BTW I'm in Cork so if anyone has suggestions on where to go.

She is in Kinsale and went, IIRC, to Limerick. Sure it'd take you as long to go from Cork to Limerick as would for me to go from DNS to Sandyford .
And you'd both have to show your passports...

Barrington's has an excellent reputation, unlike its larger Regional counterpart.
Where in Limerick do you know, how would I go about enquiring?

Mark is unfortuately married, with two children according to that website but VERY successful
DrM it would be great to see Ireland introducing such steps.
It would be an investment in the future.
I remembering hearing that Rod Steward got a full body cat scan as a present for his 50th birthday which detected thyroid cancer ... he claimed it was the best present he ever got.

I don't think I would be up for a full body scan. I feel if you are healthy and asymptomatic you should live every day like it's your last.
I saw the program last night and found it very interesting as it struck a chord with me! Without going into too much personal detail let me give all AAM posters a salutory tale. I decided before Christmas to visit the doctor after a 5 year absence (typical male) for a routine health check. I had never felt in better health, have a very good diet, enjoy a reasonable level of fitness, don't smoke (quit 7 years ago), normal levels of stress etc. I expected to be given a clean bill of health. However my blood tests revealed abnormal liver function which caused alarm bells to ring. To cut a long story short I found out two weeks ago that I have but ONE kidney, from birth and never knew! What a shock. I'm now being referred for a CT scan for further investigation. If I hadn't had the initial consultation with my GP I'd never have known about this. Hopefully I'll still get my clean bill of health but it certainly frightened me!
kazbah said:
Where in Limerick do you know, how would I go about enquiring?
I'm afraid I don't know a lot about the other options in Limerick, beyond hearsay (well, I suppose I'm glad, really!) — just that the Regional is usually described as the kind of place where 'if there wasn't something wrong with you going in, there would be coming out...'

IIRC, Barrington's was threatened with closure about a year ago, but managed to raise a big wodge of private funding from somehere. Their 'phone no. is 061-313334.

But I'm sure there must be options in Cork? See the [broken link removed]...
I would suggest asking your GP.
My husband asked his GP and he said that he could arrange all necessary tests. This is probably cheaper than a privae hospital.
fobs said:
I think the presenter looks like he could do with a good meal mind you! A little too thin buy hey was it Nancy Reagan who said "You can never be too rich or too thin?"

I always thought it was Coco Chanelle who said this, but I googled and it appears that it was Wallis Simpson.....
How did the programme pick this lady to appear on their show? She seemed familiar to me, maybe from another programme. Did she volunteer herself? I mean there are lots of women out their with a similar household makeup that wouldn't dream of putting themselves foreward for such a show.
I too thought she was very familiar looking !

Let me know if you find out if she was in anything else