How long to process PRSI relief on RAC contributions?


Registered User
About eight weeks ago I sent off Form CGPRSI1 to revenue for PRSI relief on my pension contributions in '08. What is the average timescale for them process the claim?
Hmm, are you sure that it's the Revenue who process PRSI refunds on RAC pensions?

From memory, I think I sent mine to the Collector-general in Limerick?

Sorry, not that helpful, maybe do a search?
The only way to get an accurate time scale is to ring Collector-General in limerick quoting your pps number and asking. They should be able to tell you the time limit of when it will be done.

I rang up this week regarding a different matter and they were dealing with post 0f 09/03/09.
Took two calendar months to the date to get mine. Applied 20th Jan and received cheque 20th Mar.